Pinched Nerve anyone?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
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Any of you guys ever get a pinched nerve? I got one mid november in my upper back and am still super weak in my left tricep, its killin me on chest and shoulders, like i have 1/4 stregnth of my right arm in my left. Been going to a sports injury specialist chiropractor, but that hasnt helped much either. Any advice from you guys? Ive been recommended to run IGF, anything else I can do to help speed this shit up?

When it first happened my left tricep was super sore for days, and I was having severe muscle twitches the whole left side of my upper body... that all went away, now the only thing is the stregnth loss, and this one small spot on my left pec which is always sore.... 😡 I have no luck
damn that sucks bro.. I dont know what to recommend to be honest. But I would say you need an mri to find out if it is a muscle that is pinching the nerve or a bone on bone that is doing it..

I have nerve damage in my left side. And probably about half maybe a little less than my right side from my knee down to my foot. I cant feel nothing. I could literally stab myself with a kitchen knife and keep a straight face. But with that said I am gaining strength in the muscle's but still have no feeling.

Like I said before I would really look into getting an mri done so they can get a better picture if it has not been done already. Maybe even just an x ray could show the problem. But i hope you find a remedy to this problem soon bro.. I know what it is like to be down and out...
I have nerve damage in my left side. And probably about half maybe a little less than my right side from my knee down to my foot. I cant feel nothing. I could literally stab myself with a kitchen knife and keep a straight face. But with that said I am gaining strength in the muscle's but still have no feeling.
damn so do you just pin all of your oil in your left calf?
I have one from a neck crank, my left side of my neck and upper trap siezes sometimes if pulled the wrong way.
Augustwest said:
I have nerve damage in my left side. And probably about half maybe a little less than my right side from my knee down to my foot. I cant feel nothing. I could literally stab myself with a kitchen knife and keep a straight face. But with that said I am gaining strength in the muscle's but still have no feeling.
damn so do you just pin all of your oil in your left calf?

I dont see the point in pinning calves to be honest.. I could see it if guys are pinning copious amounts of oil but I am all natural I dont use AAS.
I have problems with my cyatic nerve on my right side and it causes problems for me and the amount of weight I can handle sometimes. I just deal with it and keep going.
Definitely get an MRI and then depending on the outcome, I'd call a good Active Release Therapy guy just to get his thoughts. I've seen ART fix a lot of soft tissue problems. But it's painful as a mother fucker.
my wife just had surgery from a pinched nerve/damage issue.
What about something like carpal tunnel syndrome...would it be related?
slimpickings said:
I have problems with my cyatic nerve on my right side and it causes problems for me and the amount of weight I can handle sometimes. I just deal with it and keep going.
I have the same problem. I do the same thing. It hurts like hell but there's nothing I can do about it. It goes away and then BOOM there it is.
You gotta rest it as much as possible and use anti-inflamatories to reduce swelling of the pinched nerve...this will reduce pain and lack of strength.
I pinched a nerve in my neck once and couldn't lift my left arm above shoulder height for almost two months.
Heating pad at night helps, too...but really, rest and time are what you need.
I've also found that deca helps me recover very quickly from various sporting injuries.
Good luck to ya' brother.
I get the pinched nerve pain picking up some of the stupidest lightest shit ever and then im crippled for weeks. Sucks. no idea what to do about it other then rest, time and good pain pills.
Yeah guys, im still suffering from this terribly when doing chest, its gotten a little better, but barely... Its not painful, but my stregnth just isnt there on the left side, it fucking blows, must be permanent damage... I need to go to the Dr, but between all my drs appointments my medical bills are piling up, even with insurance, from going over the deductable so much.
D3, I have a pinched nerve under my right shoulder blade and shoots a numbing pain down my right arm zapping my strength and my gripping power. It started last summer, dude I couldn't even stand str8 up, I was almost in tears it hurt that bad. Pain killers didn't work, rest made it tolerable, but the only thing that did work was my chiropractor. I go to him at least once a month, but if there's a flare up, once a week. He gives me acupuncture, it has worked really good for me. I mean I'm not 100% but I think pinched nerves are one of those things that works themselves out in time if not extremely severe as then u need surgery. But give acupuncture a try u might be surprised at the outcome. Stay loose at the gym and only lift what's comfortable, ull get ur strength and power back . I'm running a test and deca cycle , def helps bro . Keep us posted , good luck dude !!! Run some deca see if it helps!
Had pinched nerve in left shoulder blade with pain radiating down in to the left shoulder and arm about a year ago, dealt w it for about 6 mos, finally went and had the bursa under the shoulder blade drained and it felt better instantly. I haven't had any trouble since then.
Torres said:
D3, I have a pinched nerve under my right shoulder blade and shoots a numbing pain down my right arm zapping my strength and my gripping power. It started last summer, dude I couldn't even stand str8 up, I was almost in tears it hurt that bad. Pain killers didn't work, rest made it tolerable, but the only thing that did work was my chiropractor. I go to him at least once a month, but if there's a flare up, once a week. He gives me acupuncture, it has worked really good for me. I mean I'm not 100% but I think pinched nerves are one of those things that works themselves out in time if not extremely severe as then u need surgery. But give acupuncture a try u might be surprised at the outcome. Stay loose at the gym and only lift what's comfortable, ull get ur strength and power back . I'm running a test and deca cycle , def helps bro . Keep us posted , good luck dude !!! Run some deca see if it helps!

thanks bro, I just cant believe how long this takes to heal holy fuck, I had rotator cuff surgery and less down time than this, Ive heard a few people suggest acupuncture, Im going to look into that. My lifts are all still up, unless its chest and certain shoulder excersizes like presses, I went to the gym yesterday with my buddy and just gave up I was so furious, Ill put up like 4 plates on the press machine on my right arm, and my left is struggling with 1 plate and a 25.... such a mind fuck!
nerve damage of any kind fucks ya up.
that's essentially what I got and its unreal how weak the main effected side is versus the other.

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