Pinned a new spot today



Well I have pinned many spots including glutes, ventral glutes, lats, pecs, rear delts, middle delts, traps. Today I decdided to try a new spot and I pinned front delts. Tbh I was kinda leary and scared to do it cause it is a new spot and I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't too bad. I pinned 3ccs in it and just went slow and there wasn't any pain at all sticking it and pushing the gear in nice and slow, it did feel weird and it hurt a tad pulling the pin out when finished but all in all not too bad. I will know more tomorrow cause that is when I usually feel the shot from the day before. I pinned 1cc of deca 250, 1cc of test enan 250, and 1 cc of test prop 100. I had been getting a knot kind of pain from these shots for awhile now but just stuck it out and worked through the tightness but I figured I would switch the order of the gear in the pin to see if that would cut down on the stiff feeling, so instead of loading the deca then the test e and then the test p, I loaded the deca then the test p and then the test e and just put the pro in the middle so it isn't the last thing going in me. I hope this helps but I wont know till tomorrow or the next day. Ill report back on how the shot feels the next day and if the order of gear in the pin does or does not contribute to how much pain there is after shooting.
I'm with you Hanzo. I wanna hit the ventral spot bad but do not feel confident in my translating videos into actual pinning. 4 days a week got my needing new spots but can't bring myself to hit it yet.

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When you guys say ventral, do you mean the gluteus medius?? Its actually easier to get than the glute max
Yeah your describing a location, which happens to be the gluteus medius. Idk maybe im just really flexible lol

Here's what we are talking about. Almost looks like the hip which wouldn't take much flexibility to get to.

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Hanzo said:
Here's a few more .... I'm pinnin' today, gonna give it a shot(pun How do you reach your hand around to find the point of injection morrey? The way these people are finding it you'd have to be verrrry flexible, and I'm pretty flexible myself.
Hanzomake a paper trace outline of your hand and place it on your side
also it doesn't have to be exactly precise. ventrogluteal is usually just what i think of as a glute shot. but you have a litttle wiggle room and don't. need to use the hand technique. i usually just aim for that "flat spot" on the upper outer quadrant of my ass, where it sorta flattens or dimples in when i flex my glutes.

Sent from my LG-MS770
If it makes it easier, I sit down to hit ventro glutes and the spot that I hit is right at the crease at my upper leg/ hip. I can use both hands and I use a 1 inch pin and rarely have any blood and never any discomfort. First couple times was nervous, but now it's second nature.
jurgensplurgen said:
also it doesn't have to be exactly precise. ventrogluteal is usually just what i think of as a glute shot. but you have a litttle wiggle room and don't. need to use the hand technique. i usually just aim for that "flat spot" on the upper outer quadrant of my ass, where it sorta flattens or dimples in when i flex my glutes.

Sent from my LG-MS770
jurgensplurgenThis is my spot.....Almost every time! I just go for flat like Jurgen said. Just to the side of it.
I went for it today. Sore as crap on my right glute but needed to hit that side, so I shot for what I think is the ventrogluteal. No pain at all, not even the needle prick, it was weird.
Ventro is so eat to hit the sweet spot. All I gotta do is look back and flextime ass.... It's the only ass I got fucking freakish
I can say front delts are a good spot to hit. I put 3mls in each one with no pain at all. I also think that switching the order of the gear in the pin helps a lot with pain also. I put the prop in the middle of everything and I have had no pain or stiffness like I did before. I use

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