PIP, knots, had flu symptoms... wtf!!!


Iron Killer
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i have gear from 2 different EG vendors... that are top notch ...and i have ran their stuff before with no issues.

but now i am getting pip and knots... had the flu symptoms til i dropped the doses. can my body suddenly have reactions to gear that it didn't have before.

i'm rotating glutes, ventro glutes and delts...but the pip is everywhere....

making the blast a literal pain in the ass... any suggestions...i've got some cutting oil coming to see if it helps... but the gear isn't high dosed...NPP 100, test 300 , mast e 200 etc...
new... could they have EO? and i'm allergic... the doses are normal so i figured no EO or anything out of the norm was needed
Warm the gear up. Sounds like with the cooler temperatures the gear may have slightly crashed. There are several methods to to this. My personal fav is microwave for about 10 seconds then shake for 1min, micro 8 seconds shake for one minute. Should get all the hormone back to solution.
I place my bottles on the coffee pot plate... Couple minutes and it is nice and toasty!!!!
i'll try heating... got a pin to do tomorrow...sure not lookin forward to it...lol

but the hormones in this stuff must be for real... getting some great results size , cuts , vascularity are all up
Dude ive had a knot in my venti for a week now hurts like a mother fucker but I think i just pinned into some scar tissue it has happened before just because that used to be my go to lol
yeah i have narrowed the flu and fever problems down to the dihydroboldenone (1 test cyp) ...i had bought it a year or probably 2 ago... used it back then without issue (npp, mast e , dihydroboldenone cycle)... i guess gear can go bad.

it was unopen ..still had the flip top, so i figured it was good to go...

i'm still getting way more PIP than i want but no fever... hoping the pip is like paulrockr says and just a few bad injections. i'll be doing another one tonight ...we'll see
Update.... I did rockshawns tip about microwaving the vials... and the pip on the last couple of shots is not bad...like a bruise. ..can only tell it's there if I press on the muscle...

There is no pain without pressing... so no noticeable pip... I certainly can live with that. ..thanks for all you guys help.. .and rock for the suggestion

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