PJ's Training



I figured I'll share my routine with you guys since we have this section.

Two years ago I hit a plateau with my workouts, even though I changed my diet around. I decided to contact a Military Strength and Conditioning Coach that I still kept in touch with. After a few different workouts we set up this routine specifically for my body type.

With this program you will hit the muscle group twice per week. I have it set up Mon/Tues Thurs/Fri but you can switch it around a little. Through trial and error I have found this program to benefit size and strength. I would only recommend this type of routine to advanced lifters.

The routine should be ran in cycles. I like to keep it between 4-8 weeks myself. If this is your first time using something like this, only shoot for 4 weeks. Have your own trial and error phase. PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR BODY BECAUSE THIS TRAINING IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!!! I am in the gym for around 2 hours so I bring a protein shake and banana for fuel.

Since I only use this for bulking my diet consist of high calories. My baseline is around 2900 calories but with the "rule" of adding 500 extra, I do. Even with eating 3350 calories I still felt a bit sluggish at first. I generally take in 4000 cal's and this is where I have enough fuel to have a solid workout. This goes back to listening to your body! You need enough fuel to keep the body training with this workout.

This is by far the best workout I have used to gain size and strength. While I was still training naturally I gained 30lbs in one year (which I was having trouble doing without a good workout even though my diet was good.) This of course was with the proper diet. I have my own rule... diet, form, and weight which I tell people all the time.

Here is a link for this type of routine: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/wotw28.htm (Haha, BB.com is actually good for a few things.)

Monday - Back, Bi's, Legs
Pull ups (wide grip) - 50 reps
Bent Rows - 4x10,8,8,6
DB or Cable Rows - 3x10
Straight Bar Curls - 4x10,8,8,6
Seated Alt DB Curls - 4x8-10
Preacher Curls - 3x8-10
Squats - 5x12,10,8,8,6
Deadlifts - 3x8,5,3
Extentions - 3x10-12
Standing Calf Rasies - 4x15-20

Tuesday - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's
Bench - 4x10,8,6,4 Every 3rd week use DB
Incline - 4x12,10,8,8
DB Flyes - 4x8-10
Seated Military Press - 4x10,8,8,6
Arnold Press - 3x8-10
Side Lateral Raises - 3x10-12
Tricep Extensions - 10,8,8,8
DB French Press - 3x8-10
Tricep Pushdowns - 3x10-12 Alt bar each week

Thursday - Back, Bi's, Legs
Lat Pulldowns - 3x10-12 superset with T Rows - 3x12
Hyperextensions - 3x15
BB Curls - 3 sets of 21's
Alt Hammer Curls - 3x10 superset with Cable Reverse Curls 3x10-12
Alt DB Curls - 2x Run the rack superset with Preacher Curls - 3x Stripping method
Squats - 4x10,8,8,6 superset with Leg Press - 4x12,10,10,15
Leg Extensions - 3x12-15 superset with Leg Curls 3x10-12
Lunges - 2x12
Standing Calf Raises superset with Seated - 4x15-20

Friday - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's
Bench Press superset with DB Flyes - 3x10-12
Incline superset with Cable Crossovers - 3x10-12
Push ups - As many as you can in 2 minutes
Side, Front, Rear Laterals, Upright Rows, and Shrugs - 2x5,4,3
Close Grip Bench Press superset with Skullcrushers - 3x12-15
One Arm French Press - 3x10-12 superset with Dips - 3xfailure
Rope Pushdowns superset with Overhead Rope Pushdowns - 3x15
Looks intense! 50 Wide Grip Pull ups.......really??!!! I couldn't do it.
TSizemore said:
Looks intense! 50 Wide Grip Pull ups.......really??!!! I couldn't do it.
Iam sure the use of kipping is allowed during this routine.. I could be wrong but I would be surprised if it was strict dead hang wide grip pull ups. Even back in the day when I was a young buck.. I could get a solid 30 out without doing any other exercises. And that was lock out at the bottom strictly mil form.
HH - Also Bench 220x5, Squat 300x8, Deadlift 420x2 (far from a bodybuilder like most)

TS and Odin - I can do 25/30 dead hang pullups but need help for the rest. I use this product which is awesome http://www.lifelineusa.com/products/allproducts/pullup-revolution-pro.html
PJ said:
HH - Also Bench 220x5, Squat 300x8, Deadlift 420x2 (far from a bodybuilder like most)

TS and Odin - I can do 25/30 dead hang pullups but need help for the rest. I use this product which is awesome http://www.lifelineusa.com/products/allproducts/pullup-revolution-pro.html
Yeah I see a lot of the cross fit people using this as a tool during their routines. It is a good tol to have available for sure.
damn bro that loks and sounds intense....but i may give a try for 4 weeks to see how it works out
fall off the planet?
wtf 'real life' ?
SHIT colo!! Real life is a wife four kids and a 60 hours a week job. It don't get more real then that!!! 😉
He owns a time machine???? Lol Blackwater doesn't exist anymore. Academi is the New name after the shit storm caused by killing innocent iraqis and bw employees being completely immune to prosecution by legislation by GWB

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2

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