Please critique this cycle.


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Ok so I've lost some bf% and I'm finally down to around 13-15%. Now I've decided to go balls to the walls and start a mass gaining cycle. Please let me know what you guys think about this. What you would add, take away, pin more or less, etc... btw, my last cycle consisted of 750ew of sust and 525ew of Tren. Worked out well and put on some nice size:

I have a little over 6 weeks of hgh bestropin blue tops. I'm pinning 3iu's of that ed.

Weeks 1-8
Test E 600mg/wk
Deca 300mg/wk (1cc of T/D Blend on Mon + Thurs)
Eq 500mg/wk (1/2cc of Eq on Mon + Thurs)
Npp: 100mg eod
Arimidex (start with .5mgs EOD. more then likely you will need to go 1mg EOD)

Weeks 1-4
Week 1 -10mgs/day - Week 2 - 20mgs/day - Week 3 - 20mgs/day - Week 4 - 30mgs/day

Weeks 9-15
Test E 900mg/wk
Deca 450mg/wk (1.5cc of T/D Blend on Mon + Thurs)
EQ 750mg/wk (.75cc of Eq on Mon + Thurs)
Arimidex (At this dosages more then likely you will need close to 1mg everyday)

Also continue support supplements like coQ10, fish oil, as well as tudca and NAC. 81mgs a day of baby aspirin would be a good idea as well.

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That starts out as quite a complicated cycle. Lots going on metabolically. What's the diet gonna be like in comparison?

...and where did you find a vial of 500mg Equipoise at?
What should my diet look like?

Eq is from Advanced Pharma.

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What should my diet look like?

Eq is from Advanced Pharma.

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glock4319There's really no way to answer that without knowing quite a few things first.
1) What's your current weight, age, height
2) What is your specific goal(s). (Mass, Size, Shred, Gains, etc)
3) We've got your BF%, but where do you want it to be
4) Where are you wanting your weight to be
5) What's your current diet look like now. (Eating like an Ass, Diet is on point, It's pretty good with occasional cheats, etc)

We could just take the easy way out and say "You need to eat 20 calories per pound of bodyweight to gain mass, and eat 12-15 calories per pound to cut". But, there's no real science in need to eat satisfy and achieve your goals.
In my honest opinion I think your cycle is overly complicated. I'd start by dropping either the NPP or deca no need for both. I agree with that there is way too much going on here. Simple is better. Just my .02
Okay, I'm gonna clean this up. Looks like your phone developed a sudden case of Tourette's Syndrome.......Or, it's on Tren. One or the other.

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