Possible bunk gear



So I know blends and high mg gear crash at low Temps. Recently I read on another forum someone suggested that a person who suspected being sold bunk gear/a blend put the vial into the fridge for a day to see if it crashes and has crystals in it.. I already knew this but forgot because it's been awhile for any of my gear to have crashed. Anyways, is this a reliable way to test a vial since sending it to a lab would be time/expense conducive?? Any feed back would be grateful as my last cycle I had a blend sent to me late in which I got into an argument with the source being almost 2 months late. Wasn't sure if it's just oil in these vials. Thank you
In the freezer, not fridge. But I'm not sure because I have had packs sit in -20 degrees for quite a while, never crash and it's was still good and no it wasn't bunk gear.
*The source also said he changed carrier oil to a clear oil. Which was never the case on all cycles before. And he never announced that he changed the oil*
It's not a very accurate test IMO. Like was stated above, I live in a very cold climate and have packs come in where some of the product was crashed (TNE more often than not) and some was not. All the gear was good. I have a good feel if I grabbed some of the stuff out of my stash now and left it in the freezer it would not crash but is good.
AK and LT pretty much answered this, but go ahead and put it in the freezer and it may crash. If it does then you know it's got hormone in it, if it doesn't then either trash it or give it a try. To good of sources around here to worry about bunk gear.

I know some brewers stick there vials in a fridge after brewing, making sure it won't crash very easy. I very good chef can make some great gear that can handle some extreme temps
What is the product? It will most likely crash after a while in the freezer
Anonymous said:
What is the product? It will most likely crash after a while in the freezer
AnonymousThanks for the info/comments guys. Actually it did crash in the freezer and dethawed in a few minutes. I just did feel the same with this batch. I was running the same blend from the same sponsor, always had a yellow tint, after an argument with him about waiting almost 2 months after being told 2 weeks, vials sent with no labels, then labels said npp/trenA (which I can't have tren), then they came as a clear oil and not yellowish.. So after feeling not as Jacked (actually felt fatigued and no sex drive) from this new batch I was thinking he sent oil just to shut me up. But it might me low dosed or just my mind playing tricks.
Anonymous said:
Thanks for the info/comments guys. Actually it did crash in the freezer and dethawed in a few minutes. I just didn't feel the same with this batch. I was running the same blend from the same sponsor, always had a yellow tint, after an argument with him about waiting almost 2 months after being told 2 weeks, vials sent with no labels, then labels said npp/trenA instead of npp/tp (which I can't have tren), then they came as a clear oil and not yellowish.. So after feeling not as Jacked (actually felt fatigued and no sex drive) from this new batch I was thinking he sent oil just to shut me up. But it might me low dosed or just my mind playing tricks.
I think we all know who this sponsor is...
Throw it in the trash, I'm sure it's fake just like all his stories
I have thought that before,turned out my prolactin levels were through the roof,maybe try and switch out labs for another compound and see,could be the carrier oil,Im not always really quick to blame the gear because I have in the past when it was more due to user error on my part.
Anonymous said:
I think we all know who this sponsor is...
Throw it in the trash, I'm sure it's fake just like all his stories
I think you are referring to Joker. He may have a lot of excuses but his gear is fucking fire

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