possible next cycle..


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
dbol 25mg/2xday 4weeks
3 week break
anadrol 100mg splut 2 x day 4 weeks
5 week break
winny unsure on dose yet. 4 weeks.
proviron 50-100mg through out cycle..

test e 600-800mg 21 weeks
BOLD 600mg 21 weeks.
decca 300-400mg 12 weeks front of cycle
mast e 400mg 12 weeks at end of cycle.

HCG week 2 boom dose 2500iu then 500mg/2xweek for 8 weeks off for 4weeks. then finish cycle.

nolva 10mg ED
caber 1mg week split mon friday.
xstane will hold out on the x stan to start until I get labs done. depending on labs will determine dose.

clomid 200 first 2 days then 100,100,50,50,50
nolva, 100,75,50,25,10
This is what I did this last time and I recovered fine on questionable products. without any back lash of estro.

If I am missing anything let me know
other wise just let me know what you think... also might run formeron my BL products.
I dont split my orals, I take the full dose about a half hour before I train. As for the hcg I do take it at 500ius every 5 days from the start of cycle till the end of cycle, just enough to stay out of atrophy. I only take nolva during cycle if I get gyno symptoms then I take it till the gyno is gone and thats it. I take nolva and clomid together for post cycle, nolva at 40mg ed for a week then 20mg ed for two weeks, clomid at 100mg for a week then 50mg for two weeks.
this topic gone a bit a stray, lets keep it on focus before i need to clean up again.

we all here to learn, heal, grow
TSizemore said:
What's the goal of this cycle?
well I will start with the oral dbol. which is good at adding water retention while adding muscle. then the drol which does basically the same thing but also while hardening the gains made from the dbol.. the winny which does not previde water retention will harden the gains made off of the dbol andthe drol even further.

SO the test well obviously test for base like always going with test e because there is less water retention than C and because you get more test per mg than cyp.. BOLD cyp for enhanced protein synthesis while also increasing red blood cell count which helps shuttle even more nutrients to the muscle fibers.. Decca for joint repair and also to help keep the immune system up. also decca is a slow builder just like eq so I figured if I am going to run this long ass cycle it would be good to run. Mast will be the finisher along with the winny. At the end. of
this cycle I should be able to keep most of my gains the way it is set up.. I actually consulted in someone who is very versed in this game and this was the advice I was given..

Does that help answer some of your questions bro? I am not very eloquent when it comes to words lol... SO I dont explain shit very well..
Wabbitt said:
Man I hope you plan on running some liver support!

YEAH I got all that shit ironed out.. as well I can post it up if everyone wants to see what I am going to run for OCT. Just didnt feel like typing all that yesterday lol
Re: possible next cycle..

Is this what you are running during the 12 week program or running something else for that?

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Re: possible next cycle..

sportsfreak said:
Is this what you are running during the 12 week program or running something else for that?

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no HG and I are working on something that will work best for what we have planned..
Re: possible next cycle..

sportsfreak said:
Is this what you are running during the 12 week program or running something else for that?

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no HG and I are working on something that will work best for what we have planned..
It's great to see a trainer that doesn't shy away from or embraces the use of "supplements"!
Re: possible next cycle..

Doc visit timing is going to have me running only TRT until mid march so we'll have to see how that goes for me. Maybe throw some T3 in there if I learn a little more about it.

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Re: possible next cycle..

sportsfreak said:
Doc visit timing is going to have me running only TRT until mid march so we'll have to see how that goes for me. Maybe throw some T3 in there if I learn a little more about it.

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sportsfreakT3 is a great tool for weight loss, coupled with Clen can't be beat.
This cycle looks good for the most part but can use some fine tuning in a few ares I think.

Why not start off with the drol instead of the dbol? You will get more dramatic results in mass and strength as opposed to the dbol where you will get less significant gains. I would go big first then go with the lesser of the two to maintain and enhance the gains from the drol. It just seems to me to go that route.

Nolva really shouldnt be run during cycles as it can reduce gains.

Test E does contain more actual test than test c does, but it is so slight you would hardly notice it. And the differences in the two is minimal so it really comes down to availability and preference as you wont really see the differences aside each other.

Now you are concerned with the water retention you can get with the test but not with the deca where deca will give you a great amount of water retention so with that the use of test as pertaining to water retention shouldnt matter because you will be taking deca and retaining alot of water anyway.

As for deca for your joints, its good and bad. It will help with pains you have already but in doing so opens you up to more injury because of the masking effect it will give you. You can tend to go heavier and harder while on it which can cause more damage that you dont know about till its possibly too late. Be very careful.

Deca isnt really a slow builder like EQ is, you will experience faster gains and results when using deca.

Deca helping with the immune system I have never heard of.

Winny is good if you use the correct dosage, 50mg ed to eod at least to get full benefits from it.

All in all not bad just minor tweaks I think can be done.
DGAF said:
This cycle looks good for the most part but can use some fine tuning in a few ares I think.

Why not start off with the drol instead of the dbol? You will get more dramatic results in mass and strength as opposed to the dbol where you will get less significant gains. I would go big first then go with the lesser of the two to maintain and enhance the gains from the drol. It just seems to me to go that route.

well the whole reason behind this set up is slow steady retain able gains that is why I started off with the dbol in the front. But I do see your point if I was running a shorter cycle then for sure that would be the optimal way to set it up IMO.

Nolva really shouldnt be run during cycles as it can reduce gains. at such a low dose it will not inhibit the gains to a significant degree. it actully does better for you than running xstane on cycle being as you dont eliminate total estro in the body

Test E does contain more actual test than test c does, but it is so slight you would hardly notice it. And the differences in the two is minimal so it really comes down to availability and preference as you wont really see the differences aside each other. It is not that I am trying to completely eliminate water retention on this cycle but more or less control it. Cyp bloats me out pretty good. So adding that along side with the orals plus the decca would only potentiate the water retention even further.

Now you are concerned with the water retention you can get with the test but not with the deca where deca will give you a great amount of water retention so with that the use of test as pertaining to water retention shouldnt matter because you will be taking deca and retaining alot of water anyway.

As for deca for your joints, its good and bad. It will help with pains you have already but in doing so opens you up to more injury because of the masking effect it will give you. You can tend to go heavier and harder while on it which can cause more damage that you dont know about till its possibly too late. Be very careful.

Deca isnt really a slow builder like EQ is, you will experience faster gains and results when using deca. although bold cyp is a like EQ is is different inits own way one you dont have to run it as long to get the same result do to the shorter ester. And Decca is considered a slower builder due to the fact that it should be ran for around 12 weeks to obtain the maximum results from it was my point. The whole reason to run the decca was to help with joint and ligament repair and to help keep the immune system running.

Deca helping with the immune system I have never heard of.

Winny is good if you use the correct dosage, 50mg ed to eod at least to get full benefits from it. I have never ran winny so that was the real reason I was not sure how to add it to this cycle as per the dose to help potentiate the gains I have made from this cycle along side the mast.

All in all not bad just minor tweaks I think can be done.

The whole reason of this post is to get feed back from you guys and to get detail information as to what everyone thinks to help me come out with the best possible conclusion as to how to run this.. I am not against changing anything and I appreciate the detailed info being brought forward.. I just wanted to discuss this cycle and see what people think..

Thanks for your input dgaf and I hope my reply might explain why I put the thing where I put them a little better. If you have anymore to share please do..
I was not in anyway knocking you or your cycle. I was just bringing forth info that may be of value to you for your cycle. Like I said it was not a bad cycle at all just seen some things that I thought I would share with you to maybe help with your cycle plan. Sorry if it came across wrong as it was not my intention, I just wanted to point some things out so you can run the cycle to the fullest.
DGAF said:
I was not in anyway knocking you or your cycle. I was just bringing forth info that may be of value to you for your cycle. Like I said it was not a bad cycle at all just seen some things that I thought I would share with you to maybe help with your cycle plan. Sorry if it came across wrong as it was not my intention, I just wanted to point some things out so you can run the cycle to the fullest.
nah man I dont think you were knocking my cycle at all bro.. I was just trying to explain to you why in more depth I guess as to why I have it set up that way and why I how I see it.. I totally see where you are coming from.. And I appreciate you sharing with me bro..
DGAF said:
I was not in anyway knocking you or your cycle. I was just bringing forth info that may be of value to you for your cycle. Like I said it was not a bad cycle at all just seen some things that I thought I would share with you to maybe help with your cycle plan. Sorry if it came across wrong as it was not my intention, I just wanted to point some things out so you can run the cycle to the fullest.
nah man I dont think you were knocking my cycle at all bro.. I was just trying to explain to you why in more depth I guess as to why I have it set up that way and why I how I see it.. I totally see where you are coming from.. And I appreciate you sharing with me bro..

Thats cool bro. Sharing knowledge back and forth is what this is all about. I have been lifting for 24 years and cycling since 1999 and I still learn new things here and there. I am happy to share my knowlegde and take in knowledge as well.
yeah man share any time DGAF.. its always welcome when it is logical. I know some see this cycle and dont understand it.. Mostly because they dont get how the compounds work off one another.. That is why ones goals has to meat the cycle and the cycle has to meat the goals or you can find yourself short come the end.. would you not agree??
DGAF said:
DGAF said:
I was not in anyway knocking you or your cycle. I was just bringing forth info that may be of value to you for your cycle. Like I said it was not a bad cycle at all just seen some things that I thought I would share with you to maybe help with your cycle plan. Sorry if it came across wrong as it was not my intention, I just wanted to point some things out so you can run the cycle to the fullest.
nah man I dont think you were knocking my cycle at all bro.. I was just trying to explain to you why in more depth I guess as to why I have it set up that way and why I how I see it.. I totally see where you are coming from.. And I appreciate you sharing with me bro..

Thats cool bro. Sharing knowledge back and forth is what this is all about. I have been lifting for 24 years and cycling since 1999 and I still learn new things here and there. I am happy to share my knowlegde and take in knowledge as well.

Absolute Purpose of this board!!
yeah man share any time DGAF.. its always welcome when it is logical. I know some see this cycle and dont understand it.. Mostly because they dont get how the compounds work off one another.. That is why ones goals has to meat the cycle and the cycle has to meat the goals or you can find yourself short come the end.. would you not agree??
Yes I agree.

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