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Would love to hear what everyone's top lifts are for Bench, Squats, Dead lifts.
For me been my max ever hit.

Squats- 475
Dead lift- 505

I'm currently trying to improve my lifts by using conjugate training (Dynamic and Max effort). Would like to hear how everyone trains. (Muscle groups and days off an on)
lmao mine pathetic atm...but with 1/2 of my basically dead
bench 295 no spot. thinking 305-315 with spot
squats cant do but can do zerchers just started 145x6 my top so far
deads just started as well doing sets of 95x10

will be doing a max for charity in a lil over a week so then hopefully ill see true max atm

starting over SUCKS
training for me is not typical half is rehab, i do extreme hi volume.
today for example 4 1/2 hours total, 3 sessions
chest, tris, core, lil legs and cardio
Best ever were:

Squat - 660
Bench - 405
Deadlift - Conventional 675

All raw. Looking to get to the 6's but in a lighter weight class now. Shoulder is shot so won't see the 4's again.

Currently, working my way back from an injury and I'm now smaller. Currently they are:

Squat - 465 x3
Bench - not benching right now
Deadlift - Conventional 475 x3
Best Ever bench 5+ plates
Latest pr paultry 365 but not bad for having a dead side lmao
Zerchers and deads did in the 200's at event 4get the exact numbers
Years ago was much higher lol. Getting old, injuries etc SUCKS
Best ever were 455 deadlift, 365 squat, and around 300 (maybe 295) bench. nowhere near that now and don't even really train for strength any more.
Best ever were 455 deadlift, 365 squat, and around 300 (maybe 295) bench. nowhere near that now and don't even really train for strength any more.
R2D2me neither bro
its all in goals
Idk man. Kinda enjoying pump work now. And the PL team went to shit... makes it hard
Idk man. Kinda enjoying pump work now. And the PL team went to shit... makes it hard
That sicks when things fall apart. That happened to my Oly team back in the day and it all took place because of a woman. They always fvck shit up.
i <3 pump work 🙂
Bench 465
Squat 610
Deadlift 675

That was along time ago before kids were born. Had just a wife and alot more free time and was doing 2 a days. Those were fun times. Now everything aches, and joints pop.

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