Pre and post workout nutrition for bodybuilders

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Pre- and post workout are the most important times to eat and supplement for maximum gains. Here, we focus on the basics — protein and carbs, the two most critical nutrients of your pre- and post-workout meals — and break them down into three categories: gold (best), silver (second best) and bronze (you get the point).


GOLD: Supplement Combo

WHEY PROTEIN — Fastest-digesting protein available

WHEN: Within 30 minutes before workouts

WHY: To boost energy during your workout, decrease muscle breakdown, and enhance recovery and muscle growth post-workout.

HOW MUCH: 20 grams

WAXY MAIZE — A slow-digesting, complex carbohydrate product

WHEN: Within 30 minutes before workouts (mix with whey protein)

WHY: Provides long-lasting energy that won’t inhibit fat burning during the workout.

HOW MUCH: 20-40 g

SILVER: Supp/Food Combo

WHEY PROTEIN — See above

APPLE — A slowdigesting carb

WHEN: Within 30 minutes before workouts

WHY: Slow-digesting fruits provide long-lasting energy for the workout and won't inhibit fat burning. Polyphenols in apples can enhance fat burning and muscle strength.

HOW MUCH: 1 large (110 calories, 0 g protein, 30 g carbs, 0 g fat)

BRONZE: All Food

CHUNK LIGHT TUNA — A low-fat, faster-digesting, whole-food protein

WHEN: About 60 minutes before workouts

WHY: Whole food takes longer to digest than whey, so you’ll need to give yourself a solid hour before training to get some of that protein digesting.

HOW MUCH: 5-oz can mixed with 1 tbsp fat-free mayo (136 calories, 28 g protein, 2 g carbs, 1 g fat)

ORANGE — A slow-digesting carb

WHEN: 30-60 minutes before workouts

WHY: Long-lasting energy for workouts that won’t inhibit fat burning. Vitamin C in oranges can boost nitric oxide levels.

HOW MUCH: 1 large (86 calories, 2 g protein, 22 g carbs, 0 g fat)

Click "NEXT PAGE" for post-workout nutrition tips >>



GOLD: Supplement Combo

WHEY PROTEIN — Fastest-digesting protein available

WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts

WHY: Critical for boosting muscle growth.

HOW MUCH: 20 g

CASEIN PROTEIN — A slow-digesting protein

WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts

WHY: Taking casein with whey protein after workouts boosts muscle growth better than whey alone.

HOW MUCH: 20 g

VITARGO — A complex carbohydrate that is actually very fast digesting

WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts (mix with protein powders)

WHY: Digests faster than sugar and boosts insulin higher for better recovery and muscle growth after workouts.

HOW MUCH: About 35-70 g

SILVER: Supp/Food Combo

WHEY PROTEIN — See above

HOW MUCH: 40 g

GUMMI BEARS — A fastdigesting candy

WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts

WHY: These candies are mostly sugar — they digest rapidly to boost insulin levels and enhance muscle recovery and growth.

HOW MUCH: 20-40 Gummi Bears (135-270 calories, 3-6 g protein, 30-60 g carbs, 0 g fat)

BRONZE: All Food

CHOCOLATE MILK — Milk with chocolate syrup and sugar added to it

WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts

WHY: Boosts protein synthesis after workouts almost as well as whey protein. Stick with whole milk — full-fat milk is better at boosting muscle growth than skim or low fat.

HOW MUCH: 3 cups (624 calories, 24 g protein, 78 g carbs, 24 g fat) – FLEX

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Generally speaking, Flex usually is insightful and has good content... However, on this one, I'm not in full agreement with the choices as the best options.
isn't whole food always the best option?
isn't whole food always the best option?
isn't whole food always the best option?
R2D2in terms of purity yes. In terms of timing pre workout no. You need energy in a 30--60 min window ahead of time and to my knowledge you have about 45 min post workout to get that recovery protein in. This is more about timing due to fast acting proteins and absorption
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isn't whole food always the best option?
R2D2Actually, it depends on your goal, or stage of development you're in. If you're in contest prep, then whole foods are the way to go. If you're in a lean or mass gain, then supplements are beneficial (but not in abundance) for the quicker uptake and bio-availability.
The general rule is always whole food is the best option, but sometimes the ends justify the means.
is posing in front of the mirror considered a contest? because if so, i'm prepping.

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