Priceless road rage video


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I launched my ass off at this, then thought, shit that coulda been me a few times. Time to calm it way down.
I will secretly admit than when I get asshole like that pushing me from behind (especially when i do the speed limit) that I purposely get them pinned in just to watch them seethe. It was hilarious.
Ha well shit there goes his fancy big truck lol.

I've seen this same shit that happened to that truck happen to so many orange county soccer moms purposely driving around cutting people off and end up rear ending someone or driving up curbs crashing into shit lol. Karma, it gets everyone 😉
Number 1: Left lane is for passing or goin faster than the speed limit. Get in the right lane if your not goin to speed. I'd ride your ass too if u were in the left lane playing with your phone.

Number 2: I brake check people all the time.
Mainly cuz my rear end is damaged anyways and I could
Care less.
Number 3: that shit was funny.
Vino 1 said:
Number 1: Left lane is for passing or goin faster than the speed limit. Get in the right lane if your not goin to speed. I'd ride your ass too if u were in the left lane playing with your phone.

Number 2: I brake check people all the time.
Mainly cuz my rear end is damaged anyways and I could
Care less.
Number 3: that shit was funny.
Vino 1
Agreed with #1! Was thinking the same exact thing, but hey, it's america. No asshole seems to wanna move over to let you pass....
goodfella said:
Agreed with #1! Was thinking the same exact thing, but hey, it's america. No asshole seems to wanna move over to let you pass....
Either that or they stay right in your way when you try to get on the highway, even if they have 3 empty lanes next to them.
Vino 1 said:
Number 1: Left lane is for passing or goin faster than the speed limit. Get in the right lane if your not goin to speed. I'd ride your ass too if u were in the left lane playing with your phone.

Number 2: I brake check people all the time.
Mainly cuz my rear end is damaged anyways and I could
Care less.
Number 3: that shit was funny.
Vino 1
I dont get why people cant fucking understand that.
Eman said:
I dont get why people cant fucking understand that.
Let me get this right...The Left lane is for SPEEDING! So I can go as fast as I want to in that lane and no chance of a HiPo will give me a ticket for going faster than posted speed limit? The right lane is for traffic going slower than the posted speed limit...left lane allows you to pass the slower traffic at the posted speed limit. I might be wrong...but i think that is how it works.
I swear that was grim driving truck.
Both drivers were at fault here. The driver in the front
provoked the person behind to do this. The driver is video taping this
while driving suggests it is intentional. The other driver cant drive.
tunaman7 said:
Let me get this right...The Left lane is for SPEEDING! So I can go as fast as I want to in that lane and no chance of a HiPo will give me a ticket for going faster than posted speed limit? The right lane is for traffic going slower than the posted speed limit...left lane allows you to pass the slower traffic at the posted speed limit. I might be wrong...but i think that is how it works.
Actually u can get a ticket for goin under the speed limit too. There are signs that say left lane for passing only. Also signs that say right lane for slower traffic. At least thats how it is here in Louisiana. There are obviously unwritten courtesy rules pertaining to driving and such. Everyone knows that and anyone that doesn't abide by them
Is just a jerk. Both these drivers were jerks. They were both at fault
tunaman7 said:
Let me get this right...The Left lane is for SPEEDING! So I can go as fast as I want to in that lane and no chance of a HiPo will give me a ticket for going faster than posted speed limit? The right lane is for traffic going slower than the posted speed limit...left lane allows you to pass the slower traffic at the posted speed limit. I might be wrong...but i think that is how it works.
tunaman7I dont know about other places but her in Illinois. Its a law that you must drive in the right lane. So even if you are speeding yes you may still get a speeding ticked but say your doing 75 down the 4 lane and there isnt a car up ahead for a mile and there doing 65 you have to get back in the right lane until it comes time to go around the other car. They will stop you and right you a ticket even if you are going the speedlimit and just cruising in the left lane. It helps the flow of traffic because you always get a idiot in this video that just is cruising in the left lane and wont move over to let you by. I wish that guy in the truck would have rear ended that fucker instead of him wrecking his truck.

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