Primo Depot??????????????????


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I want to run primo in my next cycle. wanting to know what the average run time for primo is.

I will be running test e/c, EQ. And mast E maybe. looking to run about 18-21 weeks.

doses like this

test e 400mg week
EQ 600mg week
mast E if I run it 400 mg week the mast I would run from week 1-week 10 then jump on the primo
was thinking of running 400-600 mg a week of primo but not sure and not sure how long to run it.

If you guy want help me figure out how the best way to run these compounds..

background 5'11 200lbs 32
been lifting for about 12-14 years. Only now seriously lifting for size and proportion

thanks cross80
Primo is one of the safest to run.
and it should be run no less then 16 weeks.
Great gains and mostly water less.

600 a week is a real good run
I did that back in the days and i was blown away by the results.
Price is a little high but it is worth it.
I love the Primo! Great Stuff. It is pricey like Rico said, so I run it at 300-400wk in two pins. I add it to Tren A/Prop/Mast. Makes a great cutting cycle. No water bloat or other sides.

Mast and Primo go good together.
Why is your Test so much lower than your Eq?
I'd bump up the Test, add the Primo in starting week 5. Carry it through the end of your cycle.
well the main reason I have the test at 400 mg is because I dont think I need to run 600-1000mg of test a week to grow. if I ran all four compounds I would be running right at 2gram of oils a week. thats a lot of fucking oil.. I plan to eat about 6-7000 cals a day on lift days and 4-5000 cals a day on off days.. The food and weight are what are really going to make me grow the gear is just a catalyst. More gear does not mean more growth. I can only grow so much in a cycle. so no need to waist gear. JMO I got no scientific data that proves it but I know back in the days guys took less gear and grew like mofo's. But I think they worked harder and ate like a horse.. so that is my plan..
CROSS80 said:
well the main reason I have the test at 400 mg is because I dont think I need to run 600-1000mg of test a week to grow. if I ran all four compounds I would be running right at 2gram of oils a week. thats a lot of fucking oil.. I plan to eat about 6-7000 cals a day on lift days and 4-5000 cals a day on off days.. The food and weight are what are really going to make me grow the gear is just a catalyst. More gear does not mean more growth. I can only grow so much in a cycle. so no need to waist gear. JMO I got no scientific data that proves it but I know back in the days guys took less gear and grew like mofo's. But I think they worked harder and ate like a horse.. so that is my plan..
CROSS80That is all entirely correct!! Which is why I'm wondering why the Test is so low compared to the Eq. My point was really to get you into thinking about dropping the Eq below your Test. I believe in the "less is more" theory when it comes to gear. Too much gear and you can't feed it enough to be beneficial. I would rather see those gear doses reversed.
agreed test usually the top compound..
That is all entirely correct!! Which is why I'm wondering why the Test is so low compared to the Eq. My point was really to get you into thinking about dropping the Eq below your Test. I believe in the "less is more" theory when it comes to gear. Too much gear and you can't feed it enough to be beneficial. I would rather see those gear doses reversed.

well the reason the EQ is where it is, is because I have always read and heard that eq needs to be ran at 600mg or higher.. I could drop the eq down to 400 would not hurt my feelings none..
Why not just bump the test up a bit?
GRIM said:
Why not just bump the test up a bit?
well because by running all these compounds together there should be a synergistic affect. So I dont think there is a need to run 400mg of test a week or more. I could be entirely wrong.
well you could always go as planned, if need be then simply adjust slightly.
CROSS80 said:
GRIM said:
Why not just bump the test up a bit?
well because by running all these compounds together there should be a synergistic affect. So I dont think there is a need to run 400mg of test a week or more. I could be entirely wrong.
Running 500-600mg week of test is absolutely fine. If you actually stop and look at some of the blends, Sust for instance, you would run at a minimum, 600mg a week. Always keep Test as the base in your cycle. Eq accentuates the Test. Gives you the appetite as well. It doesn/t have to be run at 600 to be effective. Now, there are guys who have to because of the length of their cycles and longevity on gear, but that doesn't sound like you, bro. If you reap benefits with 400 of EQ and 500 of Test, then you have absolutely no reason to run more. Use what you need, for the desired results or achievement of your goals. Make sense?
It's some pretty expensive chit to run! 600 a week would be great if you got the paper, but with the mast-e and eq your running, I think at 400 a week you could pull it off cus it'll help retain what you gained from the eq mast-e and as well keep you lean. If you do run some var with it maybe run some caber along side it, just a heads up. I ran primo and var together and lacted a lil n needed caber but was good after. Could probably get away with running it for 12 weeks (At least 12 weeks) at the end of your cycle would be best to help retain everything you put on ect.
yeah I think I can make great gain on a lower does of test and eq and mast.. I think I might for go the primo... Not sure yet might get some anavar and anadrol run the drol in the front and var in the back... Still aways out from this cycle so I got time to figure out what I want to do..

But all my doses will be probably considered low to most..

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