Primo:Test Ratio


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Is there any rule of thumb around primo to test ratio? Meaning, any philosophy behind say running twice the amount of primo as you are test, or visa versa?

For someone on TRT looking to give primo a first try and dosing primo around 300-400 mgs per week, would a 150-200mg dose of test per week be sufficient?
Great questions. I’d like to know too.
I know the consensus is Test always higher than the next compound , and I’m sure that would prob be the way to go, but with Primo , since it’s so mellow compared to other oils , as far as harshness, I would say that there wouldn’t be an issue In upping the Primo past the Test.
I will read up on this !!!
Primo is a dht related compound and increases free test by binding to sbhg. So you could in fact run the primo slightly higher or equal to test.

I’ll just quote this little bullshit paragraph off of a primo steroid profile. There is some decent published medical studies on this.....I’m just lazy at the moment.

“Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is a protein that binds to sex steroids and renders them inactive for as long as SHBG is bound to them. Free testosterone is what matters, so the higher you can get that relative to total testosterone the more benefits you can expect; this is referred to as bound vs. unbound testosterone.

Being a DHT derivative, Primobolan will bind to SHBG increasing free testosterone, which is why it works so well as part of a steroid stack instead of alone. For this reason, using primobolan alone will be a waste of its full potential, and you should always stack primobolan in a steroid cycle.”
I will add that primo at 400+ has screwed with my libido. Everyone is different in that some experience it and others don’t. 800 my hair was thinning pretty good. I run primo a few times per year and I usually keep my test dosage pretty even with it.
Thanks man, appreciate that. Have you ever run it under 400mg? What were your experiences
Thanks man, appreciate that. Have you ever run it under 400mg? What were your experiences
I have. I run primo pretty much as my staple. Lowest I’ve run primo at was with trt and that was at 200 test with 200 primo per week. At that dosage I look full, lean, and really had a pop...... but I don’t put on any size or weight at that dosage. I usually have a strict diet so I wasn’t expecting size nor wanted it. Just keep your expectations reasonable with primo. It’s not gonna turn you into a beast. But it will complement your physique and give you a nice full clean look. When dieting you will look crisp and dry when calories are low and cardio is frequent. You will keep your size even when dieting which is the amazing part of primo. Longest primo run for me was just shy of 25 weeks. I always test my primo and you should as well.

If you wanna run primo with something else I would suggest deca or Npp. That way you can get some size. Otherwise for recomp tren/primo is the way to go.

Primo is a very under rated compound especially when stacking it with deca or tren. More sources should carry it here as I spoke to clarity about a test run a few weeks back. It’s truly superior than most compounds when used for long term runs and health/safety with respect to results. I’ve discussed it on other boards and it has def gained in popularity and not faked as some mythical unobtainable compound. You can find raws at a pretty good price $18-20 dollars a gram and brew it.
I have. I run primo pretty much as my staple. Lowest I’ve run primo at was with trt and that was at 200 test with 200 primo per week. At that dosage I look full, lean, and really had a pop...... but I don’t put on any size or weight at that dosage. I usually have a strict diet so I wasn’t expecting size nor wanted it. Just keep your expectations reasonable with primo. It’s not gonna turn you into a beast. But it will complement your physique and give you a nice full clean look. When dieting you will look crisp and dry when calories are low and cardio is frequent. You will keep your size even when dieting which is the amazing part of primo. Longest primo run for me was just shy of 25 weeks. I always test my primo and you should as well.

If you wanna run primo with something else I would suggest deca or Npp. That way you can get some size. Otherwise for recomp tren/primo is the way to go.

Primo is a very under rated compound especially when stacking it with deca or tren. More sources should carry it here as I spoke to clarity about a test run a few weeks back. It’s truly superior than most compounds when used for long term runs and health/safety with respect to results. I’ve discussed it on other boards and it has def gained in popularity and not faked as some mythical unobtainable compound. You can find raws at a pretty good price $18-20 dollars a gram and brew it.
RicnixonYes brother I am running 350 primo and 150 test for cruise right now. I agree the best look on cruise or caloric - I was going to try Sten in place of Primo but not avail @ this time. 300 to 400 primo has always been good for me.
Yes brother I am running 350 primo and 150 test for cruise right now. I agree the best look on cruise or caloric - I was going to try Sten in place of Primo but not avail @ this time. 300 to 400 primo has always been good for me.
Any issues with libido? I have to run test at 200-250 minimum with primo otherwise the wife starts asking questions lol.

I agree 400 primo is all you really need 500 max. Anything else is overkill and should add a cheaper different compound like a 19-nor/deca or tren.
Any issues with libido? I have to run test at 200-250 minimum with primo otherwise the wife starts asking questions lol.

I agree 400 primo is all you really need 500 max. Anything else is overkill and should add a cheaper different compound like a 19-nor/deca or tren.
RicnixonI have not had any as of recent. Always can add some Mast if problem arise and always keep the blue pill for back up. Have not had to use it yet. Also lot of talk about PT 141 for sex motivator. The thing that usually gets me if I over use ai s. They can kill it.
Thanks this is all really helpful. Thinking of giving it trybthis summer. Maybe 200mg of test along with somewhere between 200-400mg of primo for 15-20 weeks.

Any real sides to consider with it? I know it is loved so much for being side free but any reason to be prepared for any estro issues?
Thanks this is all really helpful. Thinking of giving it trybthis summer. Maybe 200mg of test along with somewhere between 200-400mg of primo for 15-20 weeks.

Any real sides to consider with it? I know it is loved so much for being side free but any reason to be prepared for any estro issues?
In my opinion I would only run primo 100-150 mg over your test dosage. After 15-20 weeks you could run into some issues with libido. Remember primo will help free test but by only so much.

Estrogen you don’t need to worry much. In fact primo may compete with estrogen though to a much smaller extent much in the way masteron does. This could explain why some experience sexual side effects.

This profile kind of touches on it but it was my experience.

“The feature that makes primobolan stand apart from the other anabolic steroids is that it does not aromatise to estrogen; primobolan does not form any estrogens when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme. So, estrogen related side-effects are not associated with primobolan. It means that you need not worry about acne, water retention, gyno, etc., while using primobolan. It does not convert to estrogen, induces low water retention and distinctly lacks gyno. Primobolan has even lower estrogenic properties than nandrolone. In some cases, primobolan may result in fat burning. It can also act as an anti-estrogen to a lesser extent. Thus, primobolan is one of the most preferred anabolic steroids the people who are very susceptible to estrogenic side effects.

As far as side effects are concerned, primobolan is often considered as one of the safer steroids, meaning it has few side effects. Primobolan has no estrogenic side effects, and its effects on cholesterol levels are minimal. Primobolan doses of 200 mg or less (intramuscular) rarely alter blood pressure. Primobolan is usually considered as side-effect free. Generally, primobolan does not affect libido, but in some vary rare cases, primobolan may cause libido problems; it may lower libido. However, in case of libido problems, you can use meds such as Viagra and Cialis.”


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