Primobolin Enanthate


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Reported Characteristics
Active Life: 10-14 days
Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (For injection)
Average Reported Dosage: Men 200-400-mg weekly Women 50-150-mg weekly
Acne: Light at dosages of up to 200-mg weekly
Water Retention: Very low
High Blood Pressure: Rare
Liver Toxic: Low
Aromatization: None
DHT Conversion: None
Decreases: HPTA function: Only slightly in dosages over 300mg weekly and due to
prolonged periods of use.
Primobolan Depot is similar to the acetate tablets with a few differences. Though
it is a predominantly anabolic steroid, being a DHT derivative it also maintains some
androgenic qualities. For this reason, it does have virilizing aspects to consider. This
explains the improved strength and harder appearance polled users obtained in part.
Naturally since it does not convert to estrogens, induced low water retention and a
distinct lack of gyno and female pattern fat deposits was noted as avoided. In fact, the
drug does theoretically act as an anti-estrogen to a lesser extent.
*Women reported they were able to avoid some virilizing aspects with Proscar.
Most first time male (AAS novices) users reported an 8-16 lb gain after 6-8 weeks
of 200mg weekly dosages. The new muscle was of a high quality and usually was
retained quite well after discontinuance. This may have been due to Primobolan depot
having only a slight negative effect upon the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testes-Axis
(HPTA). In short, this drug was noted to only slightly shut down natural testosterone
production and therefore there was not a significant lack of testosterone or an elevation in
circulatory estrogen post- cycle. This was especially true if dosages were kept at 200-
300-mg weekly for no more than 6-8 weeks for males. (Women don't have testes,
remember?). For this reason, older males made excellent and reasonably permanent gains
with little interruption in their already lower natural androgen production. For stacks
focusing on this issue, Oxandrolone and Android were said to work very well with
Primobolan Depot. Primobolan based stacks containing nandrolones and/or Equipoise
were commonly utilized for this purpose also.
*A point of interest: Primobolan Depot (like Winstrol Depot) has been noted to
possess excellent site- injection qualities. This means that a lagging body part
became the injection site for dosages. Most who used this type of protocol did so after
training that body part to avoid bruising.
Women actually should not have used high dosages of any DHT product or
derivative. DHT has excellent hardening effects, but also has masculinizing aspects. An
often noted as safer method for use of such drugs was to also co-administer a 5-ALFAREDUCTASE
INHIBITOR such as Proscar. Its active ingredient is Finasteride which
blocks testosterone's conversion to DHT. Yes, that is the pill guys take to stop their hair -
line from receding. 1mg daily was said be enough when women stayed in the 50-200mg
weekly dosage range when using Primobolan Depot.
Since Primobolan Depot actually has an active-life of closer to two weeks,
injections were commonly administered weekly by those whom reported lower dosage
use. But due to predominantly 50-mg/ml ampules being the most available a 4-ml/200mg
injection “hurt” to an excessive degree for those whom employed the higher dosage
protocols. So twice weekly injections was the normal method chosen.
*It was my experience that Primobolan was one of the few steroids capable of
increasing lean mass during calorie restricted periods therefore remaining effective even in calorie deficit induced catabolic environments. This drug is an Enanthate ester and should provide an 8 day active life. Strangely enough it does provide the above listed active-life range though the ester is an enanthate.
i hope to run some primo one day... have you Tsize? is it worth the money?
Mrs. Lith is running 40 mg var daily, 100 mg primo depot weekly. Just had third pin will let you know more, T-size has a thread going on his wife Supergirls cycle and she is definitely showing some hard work and fabulous results.
I think everyone needs to start paying attention to these write ups very closely. The average dose is 200-400mg/wk for men. Start there. We've gotta start thinking health first.

Great post Tsize.
RockShawn said:
I think everyone needs to start paying attention to these write ups very closely. The average dose is 200-400mg/wk for men. Start there. We've gotta start thinking health first.

Great post Tsize.
Love Primo. Made Awesome gains during my intermittent fasting phase a few months back. I was running 600mg a week with 600mg Mast E and 600mg Sust... Will run this compound always it is a must. Expensive but worth it.
I wanna try :/
Ok so I have been using this @ 100mg eod. Tonight I decided to try the site injection theory and pinned 50mg in each bicep. I will continue this eod as long as I can move my arms still tomorrow-lol will keep you all posted and hopefully you will see some results at the end of the contest! We shall see....
Wacker said:
Ok so I have been using this @ 100mg eod. Tonight I decided to try the site injection theory and pinned 50mg in each bicep. I will continue this eod as long as I can move my arms still tomorrow-lol will keep you all posted and hopefully you will see some results at the end of the contest! We shall see....
Wacks new Arms after site injection

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