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- MGF is produced in damaged muscle tissue (a situation that occurs after training, for example) as a mechanism for repairing and building new tissue (cell proliferation). These effects are generally achieved as has been seen in various studies with training that combines eccentric and concentric loads.
- After training our IGF-1 and MGF levels are at their peak, this is partly due to the IGF-1 binding proteins (such as IGFBP-4 that binds to IGF-1 and inhibits its anabolism promoting effects) are less after a workout.
- Our function would be to try to administer these growth factors in the most similar way to a natural release pattern but with a much greater potency since we will exogenously administer much more quantity than that released naturally (inducing the myogenesis process artificially).
We cannot use the two substances at the same time for a simple reason, when we use IGF it will occupy and saturate all receptors due to its greater affinity and potency compared to MGF, therefore inhibiting the cell proliferation process initiated by MGF and replacing it by the IGF habitual cell differentiation process.Cell proliferation induced by MGF will occur when IGF-binding proteins are at a minimum, being the ideal time after training.
Therefore, our protocol will be based on two phases, the first of them a phase of cell proliferation in response to exogenous administration of MGF and a phase of cell differentiation induced by IGF (differentiating the cells previously created thanks to the proliferative activity of MGF).
A general protocol would be like this:
- Weeks 1-4: We would administer PEG-MGF at doses of 1000-3000mcg per week divided into 2 applications per week due to its time of action, injected intramuscularly (since it is an autocrine hormone belonging to skeletal muscle) just after training.
- Weeks 5-8: We would administer IGF-1 LR3 at a dose of 50-120mcg daily injected subcutaneously (because it is an endocrine hormone) for 6-12 hours after training (to avoid inhibiting endogenously produced MGF activity after training), on rest days it would be the same when administered.