pro bbr cycle layout


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Before I post it I want to say I didn't write it nor do I say that it is a good cycle layout just want to see some input on what you all think of the dedication and means to which the greats are willing to go to have the best bodies in the world

This was the Olympia cycle for a top 6 guy. Someone you all know of.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th week:
SUSTANON (or OMNADREN) 250 mg - every other day TESTOSTERON UNDECANOATE - 1000 mg (4ml shot, 250 mg/ml injections) - every Sunday TRENBOLONE ACETATE 400 mg per week DECA-DURABOLIN (Nandrolone Decanoate) 900 mg per week OXANDROLONE (tablets) 60 mg/day (20 mg every 8 hours) TURINABOL (tablets) 60 mg/day (20 mg every 8 hours)
ANTI-ESTROGENS: 2 mg ARIMIDEX (Anastrozole) per day 50 mg CLOMID (Clomiphene Citrate) - every day 25 mg in the morning + 25 mg 12 hours later
OTHER HORMONES: Growth Hormone - 4 IU's ON EMPTY STOMACH and as many times a day as possible (up to 12 IU's a day) Insulin - HUMALOG, 20 units 1 hour before every training, as scheduled Thyroid: T3 (Triiodothyronine) - 25 mcg per day (12.5 mcg morning + 12.5 mcg 12 hours later in the evening), first 2 weeks, than 37.5 mcg per day (25 mcg morning + 12.5 mcg 12 hours later in the evening) week #3 + week #4 T4 (Thyroxine)- 50 mcg per day (25 mcg in the morning + 25 mcg 12 hours later) first 2 weeks, than 100 mcg per day (50 mcg in the morning + 50 mcg 12 hours later) week #3 + week #4 XYREM - every night before sleep - 4.5 grams
5th, 6th, 7th, 8th week:
ANDROGENIC/ANABOLIC: TESTOSTERONE Propionate 100 mg - every day TESTOSTERON ENANTHATE 200 mg - every other day TRENBOLONE Acetate 400 mg per week, week #5 + week #6 PRIMOBOLAN (Methelnolone) 600 mg per week, week #7 + week #8 EQUIPOSE (Boldenone) 600 mg per week WINSTROL (Stanozolol) (tablets) 60 mg every day (20 mg every 8 hours) OXYMETHOLONE (tablets) 150 mg per day (50 mg every 8 hours) ANTI-ESTROGENS: 2-3 mg ARIMIDEX (Anastrozole) per day (1 mg in the morning, 1mg 12 hours later) OTHER HORMONES: Growth Hormone - 3-4 IU's ON EMPTY STOMACH and as many times a day as possible (12 to 16 units per day) Insulin - HUMALOG, 15-20 units 1 hour before every training, as scheduled (depending on condition) Thyroid: T3 (Triiodothyronin
the dosages seem about as id expect but taking 2-4 weeks of each compound is scientifically dumb...
GRIM said:
holy list!
GRIMHaha that's what I'm saying! They must have a full time person that keeps up with what to take and another full time person to inject them while there eating sleeping showering. Lol damn
I've read where they explained why they do it like that with the whole 2 weeks of certain compounds but can't remember the reasoning behind it but want to say it was something about not so much of getting the desired results from each compounds but for shocking the body into growth. It made sense to a point. They obviously know more than me or I'd be up there with them. Lol
Should have stated to that this not a do it at home thing for most to try. YOU WILL PROBABLY DIE!
I get wood thinking about what it would be like to be at that level and on that much gear...

insane cycle... only the gifted can genetically handle that much i bet.
I've seen alot of these floating around the net lately. Theres a few i'd like to add to this thread!
The following is the contest prep cycle of a current IFBB pro. This was from a year ago.

(diuretics not included)

12 weeks out
- 3,000mg testosterone cypionate per week
- 1,000mg deca durabolin per week
- 1,200mg equipoise per week
- 200mg TNE pre workout (5 days per week)
- 24iu serostim monday through friday
- 15iu humalog before every meal
- 25iu humalog pre workout

8 weeks out
- 3,000mg testosterone propionate per week
- 1,200mg equipoise per week
- 1,400mg trenbolone acetate per week
- 1,050mg masteron dipropionate per week
- 1,000mg primobolan enanthate per week
- 200mg TNE pre workout (5 days per week)
- 24iu serostim monday through friday
- 15iu humalog before breakfast
- 25iu humalog pre workout
- taper up to 120mcg hubei clenbuterol and 100mcg t3 alternated every 2 weeks with 50mg ephedrine/200mg caffeine every 4 hours
- 1mg ketotifen before bed while using EC
- 2.5mg femara every day
- 1mg arimadex every day

4 weeks out
- 2,800mg TNE per week (workout days: 100mg upon waking/200mg preworkout/100mg before bed, off days: 100mg every 4-6 hours)
- 1,200mg equipoise per week
- 1,400mg trenbolone acetate per week
- 1,050mg masteron dipropionate per week
- 1,500mg primobolan depot per week
- 200mg winstrol suspension per day
- 24iu serostim every day
- 3,000mg metformin every day (divide dose between carb meals)
- 120mcg hubei clenbuterol and 100mcg t3
- 2.5mg femara every day
- 1mg arimadex every day

2 weeks out
- 1,750mg trenbolone acetate per week
- 1,050mg masteron dipropionate per week
- 1,500mg primobolan depot per week
- 300mg winstrol suspension per week
- 150mg injectable anadrol per day
- 50mg injectable dianabol per day
- 3,000mg metformin every week (divided between carb meals)
- 120mcg hubei clenbuterol
- 100mcg t3
- 1mg ketotifen every day before bed
- 2.5mg femara
- 1mg arimadex
I. 16-8 weeks out
500mg sustanon ED
300mg deca EOD
300mg eq EOD
10iu chinese generic hgh ED
6iu serostim ED
2iu sermorelin 3x per day
10iu humalog before each meal
20iu humulin-R 90 mins pre workout
100mg dbol 90 mins pre workout
100mg anadrol 90 mins pre workout
200mg TNE 90 mins pre workout

2. 8-4 weeks out
200mg test propionate ED
100mg TNE 3x per day
100mg tren acetate ED
600mg tren enanthate EW
200mg masteron ED
1000mg primabolan EW
10iu chinese generic hgh ED
6iu serostim ED
2iu sermorelin 3x per day
10iu humalog before each meal
20iu humulin-R 90 mins pre workout

3. 4-1 Weeks Out
150mg TNE 3x per day
250mg tren acetate ED
250mg masteron ED
1000mg primabolan EW
50mg halotestin ED
10iu chinese generic hgh ED
6iu serostim ED
2iu sermorelin 3x per day

4. 1-0 weeks out
250mg tren acetate ED
250mg masteron ED
1000mg primabolan EW
60mg halotestin ED
100mg dbol ED
100mg anadrol ED
10iu hulamog with each meal

*diuretics not included.
Surly they must have blood work weekly ..I would be concerned with heart on that run

Thats some serious gear there, no need to count mg's at that point just count vials... FUCK!!!
Damn bro. U gotta wonder what the cost is on the body after years of that much gear. Can't be good
The OP cycle is very probable to me. THe oils aren't way high, which most supposed "Pro Cycles" they post the oils so high it's ridiculous.
How do you eat enough macros to support that much gear??? Holy shit if the gear didnt kill me the exploding stomach would.
That's why these fukers are dropping like Flys. That's just insanely to much gear to run year after year!!!

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