Problem with sex drive


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Weeks 1-4: Sustanon 600mg/week, Deca 400mg/week, Tbol 60mg/day, Proviron 50mg/day

Arimadex @ 0.40mg every other day and MaximPeptide caber @ .40mg twice a week.

Weeks 5 onward: Sustanon 800mg/week, Deca 575mg/week, Tbol 60mg/day, Proviron 50mg/day

Arimadex is the same and caber is the same.

Currently I'm midway through week 6 and will be stopping Tbol in 3 days.

Last 2-3 days I've begun to experience what I believe is Deca dick.

First night I was getting a blowjob for 45 mins and couldn't cum and then had to have extreme rough sex to cum. Her mouth was amazing but I was the problem. Next two days I haven't seen or noticed a hard on.

I've been doing 0.40mG of arimadex every other day. Also been using .40mG of caber twice a week. The arimadex is legit, whereas the caber is from MaximPeptide. Never had this issue before using their caber and this arimadex.

I haven't been stressed. I've been real happy. My nipples feel good, I don't feel bloated, nor am I leaking any fluids from my nipples.

I'm seeing extreme gains at the gym, my body is leaning out perfectly.

I'm stopping the Tbol after 6 full weeks which will be in 3 days because I don't want to overtax my liver.

Originally I was thinking in 4-5 weeks adding in vaultek Tri-Stack which is 50mg test prop/master prop/Tren , and running that for 5-6 weeks and then coming off my cycle after 15 weeks.

But now I'm wondering am I expediting Deca dick or is the caber just not good?

Maybe this is normal. This is my second time running Deca, which has been 2 years since last running it. I've ran NPP many times before but no issues ever using the same caber.

Maybe this Deca is just great stuff?
usually prolactin or unbalanced estrogen-testosteron is the issue

nobody can say with certainty what it is and how to be corrected without bloodtest showing exact numbers. pro's do bloodtests every few weeks, this is the only and best way to make and all changes.
How lean are you? You may have killed your estrogen with the adex. I know when I'm "leaner" and running 500mg test a week I don't need AI

Deca or npp never fucked with my sex drive unless my estrogen went to high and prolactin became another issue. Keep estrogen in check and you won't need caber.. shouldn't anyways.
blasson may have a point... killing your estro gives the low sex drive too...

like drakrep said... only bloods will know for sure... i've had too high and too low estro come back on bloods and had very similar sex drive symptoms. sometimes it's hard to find the sweet spot.

this is the main reason i stay on legit TRT levels of test year round...125mg-150mg a week ... and if i want to blast i leave test at that and add NPP or whatever on top. keeps me from having any estro issues...
I will try lowering my Arimadex and give it a few days and see how I am. If that fails I'll go get my levels checked.

Thanks guys.
Daredevil said:
Weeks 1-4: Sustanon 600mg/week, Deca 400mg/week, Tbol 60mg/day, Proviron 50mg/day

Arimadex @ 0.40mg every other day and MaximPeptide caber @ .40mg twice a week.

Weeks 5 onward: Sustanon 800mg/week, Deca 575mg/week, Tbol 60mg/day, Proviron 50mg/day

Arimadex is the same and caber is the same.

Currently I'm midway through week 6 and will be stopping Tbol in 3 days.

Last 2-3 days I've begun to experience what I believe is Deca dick.

First night I was getting a blowjob for 45 mins and couldn't cum and then had to have extreme rough sex to cum. Her mouth was amazing but I was the problem. Next two days I haven't seen or noticed a hard on.

I've been doing 0.40mG of arimadex every other day. Also been using .40mG of caber twice a week. The arimadex is legit, whereas the caber is from MaximPeptide. Never had this issue before using their caber and this arimadex.

I haven't been stressed. I've been real happy. My nipples feel good, I don't feel bloated, nor am I leaking any fluids from my nipples.

I'm seeing extreme gains at the gym, my body is leaning out perfectly.

I'm stopping the Tbol after 6 full weeks which will be in 3 days because I don't want to overtax my liver.

Originally I was thinking in 4-5 weeks adding in vaultek Tri-Stack which is 50mg test prop/master prop/Tren , and running that for 5-6 weeks and then coming off my cycle after 15 weeks.

But now I'm wondering am I expediting Deca dick or is the caber just not good?

Maybe this is normal. This is my second time running Deca, which has been 2 years since last running it. I've ran NPP many times before but no issues ever using the same caber.

Maybe this Deca is just great stuff?
Who knows but that's a good cycle bro. Don't worry I'm so flat right now all my soldier wants to do is sleep. Deca and NPP does it to me every time. Currently on NPP
Try some HCG it will work wonders and get you back to cumming like a cannon, that with the prov should help out a lot. You may also want to increase your prov for a few days before fucking with your AI.
HCG is a good suggestion too... .. us guys that are on forever can use's good to not let the balls die... they are one of the male body's largest producers of pregnenolone... and being short on those parent hormones can have different effects on different people
I think it may be stress although I don't feel extremely stressed. My left eye keeps twitching which is a sign of stress.

I plan to up the Proviron to 100mg a day for awhile and also lower the arimadex down from 0.40mg a day.

Thanks guys for the assistance and advice.

You guys are a great family.
Just an update. Sex drive & health is fantastic.

I decided to end my cycle yesterday and cruise on 200mg test cyp for 5 weeks. Also I'm starting HGH Monday at 2iu/day. Will be using T4 100mcg/day. Every 10 days I will try to bump up the HGH until I reach 6iu/day.

Once I start AAS again in 5 weeks, I plan to run either Test Sustanon @ 700mg/week or Test Cyp @ 700mg/week. With Arimadex @ 0.25mg every Mon/Wed/Fri. Will run TBol for 6 weeks @ 80mg/day and proviron @ 25mg/day.
Sex what's that :*

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