Progress pics of the old school gym

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So, we demoed the walls, added a new one for the office. Tore out tons of electrical, sprayed the ceilings, painted the walls, and moved the equipment into the mostly finished half. It has been a ton of work and money at least for my budget.

We are currently working on mats and mirrors. I am putting diamond plate under the mirrors which was given to me and I am picking up 10 4x5 mirrors this morning which were also given to us. This all fits with the industrial look I am going for. I don't want it perfect and hell I can't afford it as there is something new to buy at every turn.

Looks like its coming together!
Mind if I ask how much you drop for all the equipment?
Looks like its coming together!
Mind if I ask how much you drop for all the equipment?
Great question and nothing as it's not mine. It is my partners actually. He had his own gym at one time and poured his heart and wallet into it but he was trying to do what we are now but in 20k SF (he bought it that size). I would spend hours with him in his office trying to turn it around, but it was too little too late.

So, all of the equipment was stuck in storage as he courted new inverstors. He himself couldn't pay for the storage or the loan anymore so investors were either insulting him or not serious and led him on. And honestly he still had pie in the sky hopes of opening a mega gym, just in a less competitive area.

In truth there was no real offers and he was in a corner so I pitched him my idea and after a while he bought in. He is a real skidish dude, but said it was what he always wanted. So, he will subcontract for me as the manager and is my partner unofficially. So, we needed each other and it a perfect storm of situations because I couldn't nor wouldn't buy all that stuff. He actually had to sell some more obsolete peices since we didn't have the room, but it was his first payday in 6 months so that felt good.

That's the long version,
Awesome brother, love those heavy DB's, hard to find them anymore. Guess not many people can curl the 120's or incline bench the 150's 🙂....Looking good C_H!!!!
I only curled them once just because guys acting bigger than they were LOL, got a wild hare. but That was it so I can't work out with them. You guys are going to do great and you guys are good for each other....
We open November first. We are putting on the finishing touches now, hanging pics, fire extinguishers etc. Have two more stacks to put in the jungle...had to find parts. Some cleaning and we open the doors.

I have a ton of support, we had a work day a few weeks ago and a dozen people showed up to clean rusty plates. Most of them live too far away to be full time members. Many excited texts, stop ins and social media replies, but still you can't have a few doubts as I need 300 members. But, I we are giving all we have and it should pay off.

Post pics soon and if anyone has recommendations on how to post a video I can do that too.

I'll be on more once we've opened but I have been wiped lately,

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