quad injections



Sent from my LG-MS770

So i needed some more sites to hit. At first I was thinking I would be fine rotating eod injections between just glutes and delts... the sites sure recovered quickly when they were getting plain oil. Now im pinning from 2 to 3ccs eod of prop/test e 300/eq, and it buuuurns us. After much trepidation I decided to "man up" and stick it in the quad, only to hit a nerve, have my leg fly up and flex like crazy with the needle in, and oh god do I feel it today. Leg feels like it got hit with a bat, lowering to the toilet is more of a controlled fall. I used a 25g 1inch needle, warmed the oil first.. but moral of the story is I fucking hate quads and they hate me. If you hate quads too jump on and talk some shit about em.
In other news I hear pec injections can be pretty smooth, How does that go for anyone doing it?
dude that sucks. I wadded up a delt injection last monday that still hurts. Quads are tricky, and I never hit them getting ready for a show. Off season I'll try a few times but I always do it after a heavy leg day, so I have an excuse for the limping.

Never done pecs. I'm looking to do them this week as I will not hit my delts again till after the show. spotinjections.com is my go to on locations.
im going to power through pinning legs at least a few times each to see if it gets better, as it is pretty virgin muscle. I dont want to drop to tiny sites that only take 1cc at a time, fuck using 3 neeedles every inject day. I forgot about spotinjects. com. should be a first stop for every newb.

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I do pecs with 25g 5/8 needle and it works just fine for me

Look out for fag-ghost
SkinNbone said:
I do pecs with 25g 5/8 needle and it works just fine for me
But I am guessing so of you think 5/8 is too short??? I only do one cc at a time. And never did aqua in them yet. Probably would be better with a 1inch

Look out for fag-ghost

Look out for fag-ghost
SkinNbone said:
SkinNbone said:
I do pecs with 25g 5/8 needle and it works just fine for me
But I am guessing so of you think 5/8 is too short??? I only do one cc at a time. And never did aqua in them yet. Probably would be better with a 1inch

Look out for fag-ghost

Look out for fag-ghost

lol. ???? 😱 ???
I've been told that if you're pinning quads, then pin the side of the quad. Apparently there are less nerves to hit? I haven't pinned quads except for my very first TRT injection last year...FUCK ME! I was in pain for almost two weeks.
cool i might try pecs with the 1 inch 25g i have on hand and just not quite bury it. it would sure be a convenient spot as far as being easily accessible. I shot a little low in the quad, it kinda makes sense that the nerve bundled become more concentrated as the leg narrows at the knee, so ill move up a half inch each time and see if that improves it. One day maybe ill be like jdb3 and be able to pin my scrotum, hand webbing, and abs... or whatever crazy shit he does.

Sent from my LG-MS770
I pin three places in my quads imagine taking your left hand and placing it on top of your right leg ( or visa versa )with your middle finger tip touching the top of your knee cap where your thumb makes the l shape I pin there. WIth your hand in the same position with thumb extended I pin about an inch and ahalf above that . when you flex your leg and your quad has that indention on the side on the top side of that where you can see that it kind of makes a tear drop I guess dont know the name of that exact muscle but I pin there as well...

It took me some time for my legs to get used to taking the oil... but there is always that nerve waiting to knock you the fuck out lol... I am always worried when I pin my legs... anticipation is a MOFO.
Seems to me the lower the site on the quad the more nerve endings there are and the more painful it is. I hit mine about a hands length from the hip, make a V with the fingers and pin in between there. I'm about 1 in 3 on the quads. It either goes really well And have 0 pain or my ass is crippled for a week.
I pin the inner and outer muscle in that area and the inner is always more prone to being a bitch about the stick. Doing EOD almost makes it necessary though, the scare tissue in my ass is terrible and feels like going through gravel in some areas.

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Read an anatomy book, look at the nerves in the leg. I referenced two books and watched how videos on YouTube. Ive never had a problem pinning my quads. Good luck bro.
I pin three places in my quads imagine taking your left hand and placing it on top of your right leg ( or visa versa )with your middle finger tip touching the top of your knee cap where your thumb makes the l shape I pin there. WIth your hand in the same position with thumb extended I pin about an inch and ahalf above that . when you flex your leg and your quad has that indention on the side on the top side of that where you can see that it kind of makes a tear drop I guess dont know the name of that exact muscle but I pin there as well...

It took me some time for my legs to get used to taking the oil... but there is always that nerve waiting to knock you the fuck out lol... I am always worried when I pin my legs... anticipation is a MOFO.
ODINSBLOODOdin beat me to it!! This is the only way and best way to pin the Quads! I use the hand technique to this day. I insert the needle a little slower than when I pin Glutes.....you can feel the pin getting close to a nerve this way and you'll have plenty of warning and time to stop, and adjust the angle of the needle to miss it. I pin the Quads in every rotation!
Hit your traps. Was one of my Fav spots when trying to move pin around. Now its quads and delts mostly. I dont like pec shots myself. Nevr could do it there. Try your calves out and see what you think of that one.
TSizemore said:
I pin three places in my quads imagine taking your left hand and placing it on top of your right leg ( or visa versa )with your middle finger tip touching the top of your knee cap where your thumb makes the l shape I pin there. WIth your hand in the same position with thumb extended I pin about an inch and ahalf above that . when you flex your leg and your quad has that indention on the side on the top side of that where you can see that it kind of makes a tear drop I guess dont know the name of that exact muscle but I pin there as well...

It took me some time for my legs to get used to taking the oil... but there is always that nerve waiting to knock you the fuck out lol... I am always worried when I pin my legs... anticipation is a MOFO.
ODINSBLOODOdin beat me to it!! This is the only way and best way to pin the Quads! I use the hand technique to this day. I insert the needle a little slower than when I pin Glutes.....you can feel the pin getting close to a nerve this way and you'll have plenty of warning and time to stop, and adjust the angle of the needle to miss it. I pin the Quads in every rotation!

Gave you a little love lol.... I pin everything slow I guess I have a lot of nerves EVERYWHERE lol.. I do the same shit you can tell when you get close to one pull back a little and adjust the angle always works.. I have only hit a nerve twice but both times were enough to make me weary I totally respect the nerves IN MY LEGS LOL... I try not to piss them off....
hah ive been a little agressive in jamming my shots in cause i hate feeling the pop. i havent hit a nerve in my delts yet, glutes only like once.. but quad all the time. we shall see about this feeling for them business.

Sent from my LG-MS770
Wipe it down A SHITLOAD with Alcohol before you pin...I mean really over kill it, draw a line on the center of the top of your thigh, and one on the center of the side of your thigh....pin about the center of those lines about 3/4 away up towards your hip and pip will not make you limp Bro. Hope this helps you out.

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jurgensplurgen said:
hah ive been a little agressive in jamming my shots in cause i hate feeling the pop. i havent hit a nerve in my delts yet, glutes only like once.. but quad all the time. we shall see about this feeling for them business.

I have been pinning myself or years like all of us here but for some reason I can never just pin fast. I always go in real slow for some reason. Delts glutes and pecs. Idk why I can just pop the bitch in!!!!!

Look out for fag-ghost
I call it frankenleg. I love it most when I pin quads and go to work and find out I've got ladder work 22 - 30 fuckin feet in the air. Quads suck.
cool. thanks guys. i have some good tips to try out.

Sent from my LG-MS770

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