Question about cutting?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
Im 5'11 200lbs.
My next cycle im running for 10 weeks.
Test E 200mgs
Tren A 50mgs ED
Mast P 50mgs ED

My gf really wants me to start working on my abs bc i dont have any as of right now.. I know abs are pretty much all about diet.
And the thing is im still wanting to bulk. But im wanting Lean Muscle Gains. Thats why i went with Tren. So Should i through in some T3 or something to help burn some Fat? So i can make my girl happy? lol
in my opinion .. only real beginners can gain muscle and loose fat at the same time.. to a large extent...

you can cut and maybe gain a few lbs , but the goal should be keep all muscle and drop fat on a cut... i would cut to an acceptable bodyfat and then try to bulk without totally loosing your abs.
My 2 cents, focus on one thing at a time bro. Forget abs! you are bulking. Ever see pros in the off season?
Ill just tell her to go get fucked that im bulking haha jk. I would get bitch slapped. I dont wanna cut until i hit 220lbs. Im going to try to bulk with Tren A Mast P Test E. I know not to expect Huge gains weight wise. Anybody here ever bulk on Tren?
4ES, Based on your pics I say Bulk for the better part of winter. I would be shooting for 235ish and then cut.Running tren seems to lean me out more than other gear. It seems to raise my metabolism. I cant seem to eat enough to gain on the scale but I do get noticeably leaner.
Whatever you decide come up with a plan and some goals and stick with it. That is a large key in success. I have had alot of luck with strict low carbs all week and then break on weekends.
Your gal wants some abs how are hers?
Agreed with sticking to one thing. I've tried to lean out while putting on mass and all I did was spin my wheels. Calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight and surplus is the only way to gain.
Think i might just go with Another NPP cycle again. Not going with deca anymore bc i get way to much bloat from it.. What else should i stack the NPP with? My current cycle im on now im stacking it with Test E and EQ. Just use EQ again with it? or any other suggestions?
4everstrong said:
Think i might just go with Another NPP cycle again. Not going with deca anymore bc i get way to much bloat from it.. What else should i stack the NPP with? My current cycle im on now im stacking it with Test E and EQ. Just use EQ again with it? or any other suggestions?
Did you decide bulk or cut?
Not sure why people get hung up and confused on this.

Bulking can only be done with a calorie surplus.
Cutting can only be done with a calorie deficit.

Physiologically, you're body cannot do both at the same time! There are some exceptions where lean gains give the appearance of doing both, but it is a gain....not a cut.

If you're gonna run the Npp again, add Prop with it. Anavar goes with everything. If you want to bulk, then Prop/Npp/Eq would do wonders....with Anavar of course
from my experiences.. i started cuttin 14 months ago... i lost a good bit of fat, and now its to a point where i am losing bf and addin g lean mass at the same time... not in huge amts but still i enjoy the results... for example its .33-.5 percent bf per month and 1.5-3lbs of muscle per month on average.... my cardio is walking 1hr 2 x day on off days and 1 hr in the morning and eliptical pwo.. my diet consists of around 370g protien, and my carbs are basically .5 cup of oats, and 1 cup of brown rice pwo..... but everyones body is differant
I believe tren ace adds lean mass while losing fat. Im cutting now but not super strict dieting just eating a little less and fat is dropping and at 100mgs ace ed I doubt im losing muscle. Just making sure I keep my protein high I eat white rice 2 or 3 meals nothing but fish lately and 2 or 3 protein shakes with egg whites simple diet and its working good.

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