Question about PIP, test cyp + npp


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Hi guys, just to give you a short background, I was diagnosed with primary hypogonadism at 30, and I started TRT. After a lifetime of low testosterone, on only 120 mg cyp a week (60 mg E3.5D) I am making decent gains and feel like the king of the world in comparison to how I have always felt. So that is why the dosages I am about to explain are so low in comparison to what you guys are doing.

Since I have been having such a grand ole time, I decided I want to try to bump the cyp to 200 a week for a time and try out NPP at 100 mg/week. Why NPP instead of deca you may wonder, well I wanted to get a feel for nandro without being locked into a long ester. I looked into it and some guys report successful cruises at these rates. So I got the goods and did my injection the way my doctor trained me into my quads.

This was my first multi-vial pin. I drew .3 mL of 200mg/mL test cyp from my pharma vial, .2 of 250mg/mL test cyp from EG vendor with good reputation, and .5 mL of 100/mL NPP from the same vendor. I use really tiny needles so it took a bit but overall it went in very smooth. However, a day later an ungodly PIP down near my knee/lower quads area began. On day 2 of that. It feels like maybe the oil got settled and stuck down there or something cause there is no PIP at the site of injection, at all.

So was it that I injected too much oil for a quad injection? Or does a short ester really hurt this much? What I did today was I just did .4 mL of the UGL test cyp to see if it's the carrier. The pharma stuff I get is in grapeseed oil. If I rule that out, I am going to try to learn VG injection and try to put the NPP in there.

Any advice you pros have about this is appreciated.
What gauge needle are you using? You pretty new to injections it sounds like so probably just yiur technique isn't good yet. Sounds like just a bad injection. That gear should have no pip regardless of the carrier oil. Tiny needles usually cuz more pip. Yiur trying to push down on the plunger so hard, hand and needle is shaking, I only use 23g. I hate anything smaller. Pip is normal when you first start injecting. After you get use to it there is no pain anymore.
tkasch30 said:
What gauge needle are you using? You pretty new to injections it sounds like so probably just yiur technique isn't good yet. Sounds like just a bad injection. That gear should have no pip regardless of the carrier oil. Tiny needles usually cuz more pip. Yiur trying to push down on the plunger so hard, hand and needle is shaking, I only use 23g. I hate anything smaller. Pip is normal when you first start injecting. After you get use to it there is no pain anymore.
tkasch30I could see that if A. my hands shook and I was pushing too hard (but i'm cooler than a cucumber) and/or B. there was any pain at the injection site. The pain is almost a foot away from the injection site.
so the site is not virgin, you do your regular twice a week shot here often, and now a little extra has caused great pain.

the way you describe it id have expected the pharma test cyp to dilute the other stuff if it was painful but no luck, so must be location based, too close to the nerve or IT band
right, now technically it would be a 3 fold increase in volume (i really don't know, is 1 mL a lot to shoot in the quad?) AND my first time with a short ester. Not very scientific/smart of me to add so many variables but i'm an excitable boy and went for it.
does anyone have a preferred video instructional for self-administered VG injection?
1 ml is nothing for a quad shot, 3 plus starts to be volume

very few good vg videos. if you find the one where the guy raises his leg out to the side to show the muscle flex that's the best
Now way that's to much for quads, how long a needle in case I missed that. Could be you possibly went between the muscle in which case would explain the area of pain brother
Paulrockr said:
Now way that's to much for quads, how long a needle in case I missed that. Could be you possibly went between the muscle in which case would explain the area of pain brother
Paulrockrhalf inch.

so, like i said i did the other quad with just the test cyp to rule out the short ester idea and today (day after) that has some pip too. going to conclude that it is just the formulation of the gear in comparison to the pharma oil i get (which is the only oil i have any experience with). i have heard that grapeseed oil makes for less pip, idk how true that is.

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