Question on low dose cycles


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I read through some of you guys posts cycles mgs of gear used etc...we all respond different to gear. Friend of mine right now using 50mg dbol 100mg adrol 1000mg test. I have never used that much gear not even close. I know age and other things can make a difference in how we all respond. I got my first bench for christmas when I was 14 I remember reading the old bb mags learning about protein and reading through training routines. I'm on nothing but 250 mgs test-e every 5th day right now nothing else. Went to doc Friday nurse weighed me in at 211.7 lbs with abs. I really don't use bulk gear anymore I'm not trying to get any bigger maybe a few lbs but I think for real I'm done with bulk gear. I got anadrol from digi I been planning to use for months dbol from Paxton blue hearts some other shit I haven't touched it. I tried bold cyp recently and was told to run it at 400-600 mgs week. I used 200mg week with 50mg winny day loved it. I haven't been above 250mg test-e every 5th day for a while now. Stack it with whatever I get same results if I was using more test i think. Anyway I'm putting together a spring cycle thinking this...I have a 30ml jug anadrol 50 digi pharma test-e and digi tren ace 20ml thinking either 250-375mgs test-e every 5th day 25mgs anadrol day 50mgs tren ace every other day and maybe maybe 10mgs Paxton dbol per workout. I know this sounds messy lot of compounds at mgs most don't use but ive always responded great to AAS. I've ran high mg cycles with not much difference in results maybe more sides. I like adding tren to every cycle IMO it increases the effect any concurrently used steroid. Helps you retain more muscle post cycles. Guy told me on adrol tren stack his bp through the roof and was getting nose bleeds. I been setting on these bulk compounds for a minute. Any thought or advice on this ?
This surprises me....not one response. Fuck it I can log out knowing never did anyone any wrong. Peace
Sorry bro but your grammar is a little fucked up and it makes it difficult to understand what you are trying to get across. If you are happy with your results on low doses then stay there. If not then UP THE DOSE. 250mg test 50mg tren eod and dbol and anadrol sounds like a good ass cycle to me
like morrey said, if you are getting good results with low dose then stick with that, other than that i'd say that those are definitely good doses to start with
No that was fucking stupid to say that man I have been shown love and respect here from the jump. Idk what's wrong w me fellas I take shit wrong or just get mad shoot my mouth off then later realize how stupid it sounded and I am in the wrong. Nobody has done sht to me here not one time and yes I don't always get my point across I ramble not meaning to. Sorry guys. Just dude was saying in another thread about stacking test/tren/adrol and had high bp nose bleeds etc..I have a 30ml jug of digi adrol 50mg a 20ml jug of digi tren ace some good orals. I was thinking 25mg anadrol day with maybe 50-75 mgs tren ace eod and couple dbol tabs preworkout like 10-15 mgs of dbol maybe no dbol but 25mgs adrol is not a dose I see anyone posting. But add the tren and dbol preworkout that's a lot of gear. For me it is.
I am concerned about all the mixing gear like that thinking I might be missing something that might not be good. Like I said I've had these bulk orals for awhile now. I like to stick with compounds that don't have a lot of sides estrogen or progesterone water retention all that. I was thinking a good way to use it without risking sides would be stack with tren and just use them at low doses. Like test/tren ace/dbol preworkout like 10-15 mgs dbol. Idk anyone need some adrol and dbol Id trade for some test-e...?
Reach arounds for all Courtesy of t..
Bro I actually like your planned cycle. If your getting good results at low dosages and your happy, stay that way!!
Always use the least amount that will yield results that you want.
I don't use bulk gear at all, only test, tren
Mast, sometimes eq, var, winni
jshredz said:
Bro I actually like your planned cycle. If your getting good results at low dosages and your happy, stay that way!!
Always use the least amount that will yield results that you want.
I totally agree with Jshredz, I bump high and low to sharpen my receptors however Id favor running low
i definatly stay away from high dose cycles, but with that said I have no issues running NPP at 600, that does not sem high to me but for test I stay under 700, i prefer 200 test with npp or tren and anadrol to start and loads of Anavar after
jshredz said:
Bro I actually like your planned cycle. If your getting good results at low dosages and your happy, stay that way!!
Always use the least amount that will yield results that you want.
jshredzBUMP ^^^^^^ THis!!!

Yea, I read your intial post and just had quite a problem understanding exactly what you were asking, so I figured I'd wait to see if someone would decipher it. But, in the future, just be patient.....there's enough of us, you'll always get an answer. 😉
Bro I don't ever use bulk gear either. I'm using test p, mast p, tbol, prov, hgh. An im bulking fine.

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