Ready to try NPP


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
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Never ran NPP, ran deca in the past but didn't care for the bloat and water retention associated with it. I hear NPP doesn't have that effect. Like to stay lean year round so I think it will be a perfect addition to my current Test, Mast and MDHT cycle that I am currently running. Any suggestions on what dosage to run any tips or tricks and who has the best quality NPP would be appreciated.
Thanks brethren!
Using Hbergs atm and loving it so far
I believe you will like it. I use it pre-workout, so 5 days a week at 100mg is 500mg week. I like it a lot
i ran just 100-125mgs every 3 days along with masteron and tbol... my first stacked compound cycle so .... but i loved it..
Kuntrykok said:
Never ran NPP, ran deca in the past but didn't care for the bloat and water retention associated with it. I hear NPP doesn't have that effect. Like to stay lean year round so I think it will be a perfect addition to my current Test, Mast and MDHT cycle that I am currently running. Any suggestions on what dosage to run any tips or tricks and who has the best quality NPP would be appreciated.
Thanks brethren!
KuntrykokWell, naturally I'm not going to advocate one Vendor over another here (since, I haven't had everyone's Npp), but I will tell you that Npp is a good addition to just about any cycle. It goes great with other short esters. Run it anywhere from 400mg - 800mg week. Whatever is comfortable and fits in your cycle. I like a 1:1 ratio with Test
I ran it 150mg m/w/f if I run it again id go alot higher I get no bad sides from npp. I also found gains alot more pleasimg to the eye than deca way better.
Im running it right now at 375mgs and having amazing results. I think 375mgs would be a good dose for a first timer on NPP. This is my 2nd time running NPP
KK, if you like to stay lean this is a great compound. IMO you can actually get pretty ripped on it. I plan on saving my NPP for the spring just for this reason.
NPP is one of my fav compounds. Keeps me lean with no water. The only side I get is night sweats. I've run it anywhere from 300-700 mg but 500 mg seems to be my sweet spot.
the prototype said:
NPP is one of my fav compounds. Keeps me lean with no water. The only side I get is night sweats. I've run it anywhere from 300-700 mg but 500 mg seems to be my sweet spot.
the prototype
Thanks for all the info bros. I'm gonna pin it ED with my Test Prop and Mast Prop so that will be alot of oil ED (3ML) May try to find a custom blend of Test P/ Mast P / NPP @ 100 Mgs each per ML to cut down on the amount of oil. Anyone make a blend like this?
Kuntrykok said:
Thanks for all the info bros. I'm gonna pin it ED with my Test Prop and Mast Prop so that will be alot of oil ED (3ML) May try to find a custom blend of Test P/ Mast P / NPP @ 100 Mgs each per ML to cut down on the amount of oil. Anyone make a blend like this?
KuntrykokNope. That's definitely a custom order. You might talk Rico or Erik into it. I'm not sure if Joker or Digi will do "A" custom order like this, but, it couldn't hurt to ask.
Thanks bro! I thought Rico was out for a while? I will ask around and see who may want to brew up a blend. I'd be willing to get 100+ ML

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