Recovering from botched surgery


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I had surgery to reattach my bicep tendon late last year and the Dr botched so I just had a second surgery to fix that issue. The Dr had to clean out a lot of old scar tissue cut the muscle loose from where it had attached itself and reattach. The bad part of everything was, it took me a long time to find another Dr to go into it a second time and then he said my ulnar and radial arteries were being cut off by scar tissue, he actually said I could have lost my arm.
The funny thing is I never hurt myself at the gym it is always working around the house or at work in the past.
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Damn bro , that’s harsh !!’
Bright light to this is at least the New Dr. got things done the right way.
Now all you need to do is get back tonormal by slowly training your body to the old form.
All we have is time brother !!!
Take it , it’ll all come back to you
Man that’s gotta be miserable to say the least.
Hopefully all's right again and here's to a solid recovery. Have you looked into taking any sort of legal action from that botched surgery? You could have lost your arm because of it.
Yea G, I guess I shouldn't have long stroked it like that, extended my elbow to far....LMAO!!!
Thanks TT, bro, feel better now and looking forward to getting the body and arm back right.
Every where I turn they tell me that it is almost impossible to sue for malpractice now days, have top prove intent but to me making a mistake for any reason is malpractice, in a hurry, not paying attention, letting an intern do it and not double checking him etc....... Dr's seem to be very protected by the law now days.
What sucks most is knowing because the first Dr didn't do things correctly which caused access damage, I will not have a full long bicep so I will really have to work at getting it as full as I can. I will do injections in my biceps to try and get the shape back the best I can, maybe buy some of Eman's special mix 😉.
Yeah, that sucks. Better to go with docs that are highly rated and recommended, but that's harder as your case was of an emergency sort.
Yea when I start hitting it again, I will be running short blast cycles with TRT in between, then boom another blast to jump start the body.
I was told same thing almost impossible to sue...

the good thing is you'll find a way to come back Im confident 😉
I remember when you tore it... sucked then... and now to live through the recovery again.... Shit!
Hope things heal quick, one good thing is you’ve worked through a set back like this before and came back.
Thanks Wacker bro!!! Yes sir I feel better this time around, might not be how it used to be but it will be the best I can get it. 😉
You guys are the best and when I see and read the support I am getting it makes me feel like I am ready for this!!!!

Thanks to you all!!!!!!

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