So I've had a new issue for last 1 1/2 years. My face when on TRT is turning red. Not so much my whole face, but just around my cheek bones. Makes me look like I've got in a fight. Gone to see a derm and gave some stuff but not much help to take down. Get much worse when exercising or drinking. I wake up in morning and not as bad until I start to move around. Some days worse that others. I've read that being on test could cause this. I've gone to my doc. My estrogen is normal. So is RBC too. Gave blood even about month ago with no real improvement. Anyone have this issues? Anyone with more ideas on how I can clear this pain in the ass up!
I'm taking an AI. Would a certain one work better? I'm on Test C from doc. Blast with dyels gear but have the issue even not blasting.
I'm taking an AI. Would a certain one work better? I'm on Test C from doc. Blast with dyels gear but have the issue even not blasting.