


Once again we have the dubious pleasure of hosting the New Year's Resolutioners, or as I like to call them "Hasslers". These glorious souls see the New Year as an opportunity to take charge of their body, to finally lose that extra 85-90 lbs of chubbiness they have hanging off of their frame. These Resolutioners you see, have had it with their life. They are sick and tired of being disappointed when they look in a mirror naked, tired of simply not being the rock hard specimen they know they should be! They have totally commited themselves to making this the year of change, to finally calling an end to the cycle of growing in size and shrinking in self-esteem.
The average Resolutioner will be in the gym this week for the first time since last February. Please be patient with them as they spend 20 mins pushing buttons on the elliptical machine to discover what each one does. Be understanding of the one doing bar only curls in your squat rack. Help them from dying when they decide to bench 95lbs with no spotter and cant get it back up. Do not be offended when they constantly stare at you while
You do everything from warm up to cool down.
You see, they are not the real misfits, the freaks, the oddities; you are. Recent studies have concluded the the average 20-30yr old American male cannot bench press, squat, nor dead lift their own bodyweight one time, neither can they execute a single pull up from a dead hang. Only total freaks of nature can do those things. Why would anyone want to anyway? You are the minority, the fringe. They are the "in crowd", mainstream, enlightened.

Allow the Hasslers to get in your way, sweat on equipment and not wipe it off, ruin your workout by paramedics being in the way to work on the 375 guy who decided to run at 11mph because "this is his year". Do this as a good neighbor should, afterall, they will only be in the gym for another 4 weeks.

Or do like I do; hit the first one I see with a 10lb plate. The rest will avoid you after that ;-)
They usually are gone within 2 weeks so hang tight as this happens every year 😉
Lol...! I call them the regulars..cause they regularly attend for three months every year!! Lol
Don't get me started. Just another group of fuck sticks that I have to remind that the squat rack is called a squat rack because you squat in it. Its not a curl rack. I Have already been told not to run off new costumers this year. I said FUCK YOU. I will be a life time member these noobs will be there a week or two.
Heavy hitter said:
Don't get me started. Just another group of fuck sticks that I have to remind that the squat rack is called a squat rack because you squat in it. Its not a curl rack. I Have already been told not to run off new costumers this year. I said FUCK YOU. I will be a life time member these noobs will be there a week or two.
Heavy hitter
LMAO, just hang tight brother...those toolbags will be gone soon but you might get a few pesky ones that stay around longer though
1 today I swear was on meth, he even had the cable machine shaking like crazy, something I have never witnessed. :/
The resoluters are thick as molasses at my gym. I saw one come in got on the treadmill for 10 mins and sat down for like the next 30 mins waiting for his friend so they could workout together how sweet of him. Another one one the leg press had a caddy and a quarter on each side grunting away. DUDE REALLY! I can only imagine what I'm going to see in the next few weeks.

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this 1 hardcore!

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