Review of recent bloodwork


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Morning brothers and Happy Thanksgiving!

Been a little MIA lately, just a lot going on, extra stress with work, family, etc.

I had bloodwork done on 11/1 and overall everything is pretty good. A few things came out either a little out of range or just lower/higher end compared to recent labs over the last 2 years or so, so figured id post some info here and get yalls feedback. I know in general nothing to be concerned about but since we are all involved in the same lifestyle, your thoughts and opinions are always appreciated. See below and feel free to chime in:

* A quick background on recent compounds used: TRT since about October of 2020. I tend to run at 180mg - 200mg when not using other compounds. Will bump it to 250mg while adding in anything else. (I run everything at minimal doses, just the way I prefer to do it. Not trying to abuse anything, just look for a little extra drive and an edge here and there. It works for me for my goals) Ran a low dose (25mg daily) anavar cycle for 10 weeks ended 6/17/21. Ran a low dose oral winstrol cycle (25mg daily) for 8 weeks ended 9/9/21. Been on low dose proviron (25mg daily) since 10/8/21. Used some maca and fenugreek for 4 weeks ended 10/28/21, and been on 50mg DHEA since 10/1/21. Test dosage has been 200mg test cyp since 10/8/21.

- Hematocrit at 45.5 (37.5 - 51) - Happy here since I have seen this at around the 50 level in the past.
- Glucose at 88 (65 - 99) - Also happy here, have been at 99 in years prior.
- Total Cholesterol at 156 (100 - 199)
- Triglycerides 63 (0 - 149)
- HDL LOW at 28 ( >39 ) - First time I have ever had any type of issue with HDL or LDL, my numbers have always been excellent. I am going to blame this on a few things - Shitty diet recently, lack of cardio, still feeling the effects of the low dose Winstrol cycle that ended 9/9 possibly?
- LDL HIGH at 115 (0 - 99) - Same as above - I consider both of these slightly out of range so not overly concerned, but what do you think?
- T Cholesterol - HDL Ratio HIGH at 5.6 (0.0 - 5.0)
- Total Test HIGH at 1307 (264 - 916) - This is where I tend to hang out when using 180 - 200 mg of test per week.
- Free Test HIGH at 47.4 (8/7 - 25/1) - Combination of maca/fenugreek and proviron?
- PSA at .7 (0.0 - 4.0) - Happy here
- T4 free/direct at .99 (.82 - 1.77)
- T3 Free at 2.9 (2.0 - 4.4) - Dr I deal with made note of both T3 an T4 being low. In range but low. Thoughts?
- DHEA Sulfate HIGH at 578 (138.5 - 475.2) - I guess the oral DHEA tabs actually do work
- TSH at 3.010 (.450 - 4.5)
- Estradiol HIGH at 65.2 (7.6 - 42.6) - This too is where I tend to hang out on 180 - 200mg test with no AI. Been off arimidex since about mid September. I am ok with the number. Not really feeling any signs of high E.
- IGF 1 at 256 (95 - 290)

Like I said, overall I am happy. I feel I can get the cholesterol numbers down on my own. Main question is the T3 and T4 numbers, never really had an issue there. Thyroid issue does run common with my mom, she did have hers removed years ago. These both being low can explain my tiredness and brain fog despite bringing up my T levels since starting TRT. Anyway, just wanted to share and see if anyone sees anything here worth commenting on.

Number all look really good honestly besides the HDL and LDL. Start a multivitamin, take a D3 vitamin, Take Folic acid vitamin, and milk thistle caps. I take the above on heavy doses and it really helps my good and bad cholesterol to be better numbers. Mine run pretty high on heavy cycles but this has helped my numbers accordingly to my last Bloods from what they have been previously.
And your Estradiol isn't horrible actually. Estrogen levels vary so much from person to person and can actually help gains. If your not experiencing side from your estro numbers I would not worry at all about that number.
Bloods seem pretty good keep on trucking along brother. Just do those things I recommended for your cholesterol and throw in cardio sessions a couple times a week and they should improve.
Pick that HDL with niacin and fish oil or salmon oil. Low HDL high LDL is a killer straight up. need to try and keep the HDL above 40.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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