Ripped off

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Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Been buying from this supplier for years. My last order came after he had been out of product for a while. I was using test-c provided by the doctors office and had paid for several hundred dollars worth of dbol and eq. Keep in mind I've been in this game for more than 25 years, so when I saw no results at all, and a massive drop in strength, I knew something was wrong. I ran my cycle past folks here on EG and I had all my bloodwork done just to be safe.

Even if the product was dosed low I would have seen some results, but you don't get zero weight gain and a drop in strength running dbol, eq and test. The product was shit. BTW, since when does dbol taste like baking soda?

So I go back to the supplier thinking maybe he got sold junk. (I still have the PM's for all of this by the way) and he says he used the exact same product he'd been using for the past 6 months so he knows it's good. LIE! I sent him a copy of his pm saying he was out of dbol and wouldn't get more for at least a month, so I had to wait until it was back in supply. Oops, then he tells me his supplier just tested the product and it's good. Sorry, but I think that's total horse shit too because Im using it and can tell you it's fake. You don't gain a single pound even after you bump it up and start taking 50mg of dbol a day along with eq and test? Bull shit.

So he says he'll send me new product but he's out right now. I wait. He goes on vacation. I wait. He starts advertising that he's got product to sell, so I send a pm saying, if you got product then please send my replacement. He says ok. I let him know that he needs to make sure it's real because I'm going to have it tested. That caused a change in plans. Now he just wants to send me my money back. Gee I wonder why? But hell yes send me my money. So he sends me a Walmart 2 Walmart number. By the way, he knew exactly how much money to send which means he's keeping our records and not destroying them. I go to Walmart but they say the number is no good. I go back and he sends me new info. I go to walmart and they say you can't use your nickname, like you can't say Bill if your name is officially William, so he will have to change the name on his end. He says he changes the name. I go back to Walmart and they say, no he hasn't. They need him to pick up his phone and confirm that the name is to be change. I send him a PM, but he says he's going on vacation again. I send his rep a pm and he gives me a code name. I go back to Walmart and give them the code name. They say the code name doesn't matter that they need the sender to confirm his number by calling them or answering his phone. I asked if they tried calling him and they said yes, to date they have record of trying to call him 6 different times.

I wait for him to come back from vacation. When he gets back he does not contact me but suddenly has product and is going to run an auction. I send a reminder PM and ask him to confirm his account so I can get my money back. He sends me a mile long PM filled with BS that I gave him the wrong number to call and he ended up wasting time with Moneygram. He's the one that called and sent the money. He has the form that has the tracking number and the contact phone number, but he's blaming me. Then he says Walmart told him that I have a red flag and that I'm a scammer and they asked for all of my personal info but he wouldn't give it. BS again! The ONLY time I've EVER used W2W was for his order! Once! He claimed that he tried and that he wasn't going to collect the money back from Walmart. WTF??? If I was the problem then why would he not get his money back? Total BS. And that he tried to refund me but wasn't going to do anything else.

This is total shit. He sold me crap. He lied about sending replacement product. He lied about sending money and now he's adding insult to injury by blaming me. Total shit.

Brother you better make this right. I am beyond pissed.
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