bro NK fascinates me (not in a good way) and I agree. I dunno if you have netflix, watch the film, "The red chapel" these guys pretends to be communists coming on a good will mission to north korea and they just rip the tour guide secret police apart in ways they dont even understand because they are so culturally isolated. Theres another on netflix called "escape from ___" some camp, I almost couldn't finish it bro it made me wanna vomit, this kid was born and raised in a prison camp and escaped at 23, he had no idea a world where you didnt watch people beat to death every day existed. the saddest part is he talks about it everywhere he goes to spread awareness, but the more he talks about it the more upset he gets. No offense to any vets, but fuck the war in Iraq, saddam is a motherfucker, but we have this chubby retard who gave HIMSELF a phd in physics, openly enriching uranium and killing his own people in opium producing death camps so they can feed australias heroin habit to get what little goods they have? If we started a war with NK i'd literally enlist tomorrow. I know china would be pissed but the geoeconomic position is this, china NEEDS us to buy their crap, europeans buy their own crap, china couldnt really stop us. It would be like liberating a nation of 10's of millions overnight. The place is so creepy they put cardboard cutouts of people in the sky scrapers so it appears people occupy the buildings. If you dont have netflix watch "vice travel guide to north korea". they are all fascinating as hell bro. And I'm with you, you wanna hang out with a guy who spends 20k a week on wine but has slave camps? go ahead, move there, see what happens when they burn off your tattoos shave your head and make you play basketball everyday nonstop on 100 grams of rice for one mans amusement.