Ronda Rousey destroys opponent in 34 seconds
Did you miss the UFC 190 fight between Rounda Rousey and Brazil's Bethe Correia?
If so, here's pretty much the entire thing.
Yup. Rousey's bout in Rio de Janeiro lasted 34 seconds, knocking Correia (9-1) out in swift fashion. She remains the undefeated reigning champion, notching her 12th win. In fact, this fight was slow by Rousey standards. Her last three title fights were over in a combined 96 seconds, and she has finished a championship fight in as little as 14 seconds before. Rousey said the quick offensive attack played right into her gameplan.
"I planned to, instead of forcing into a clinch, overwhelm her with striking first so she would want to clinch -- and that's exactly what happened," Rousey said after the fight. "She went for the clinch, and it was up to me to go for the takedown or keep [striking]."
Rousey dedicated the fight to Hall of Fame wrestler Roddy Piper after he passed away this week
Much of the sporting/celebrity world was up to watch the fight, and the general reaction was complete awe:
Did you miss the UFC 190 fight between Rounda Rousey and Brazil's Bethe Correia?
If so, here's pretty much the entire thing.
Yup. Rousey's bout in Rio de Janeiro lasted 34 seconds, knocking Correia (9-1) out in swift fashion. She remains the undefeated reigning champion, notching her 12th win. In fact, this fight was slow by Rousey standards. Her last three title fights were over in a combined 96 seconds, and she has finished a championship fight in as little as 14 seconds before. Rousey said the quick offensive attack played right into her gameplan.
"I planned to, instead of forcing into a clinch, overwhelm her with striking first so she would want to clinch -- and that's exactly what happened," Rousey said after the fight. "She went for the clinch, and it was up to me to go for the takedown or keep [striking]."
Rousey dedicated the fight to Hall of Fame wrestler Roddy Piper after he passed away this week
Much of the sporting/celebrity world was up to watch the fight, and the general reaction was complete awe: