Rotator cuff


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I think I have a small tear in my rotator cuff. I can't do any heavy weight on my left shoulder side, and my shoulder hurts often. I'm going to get it looked at by a doctor, but was wanting any feed back from others that have had this happen to them. And workouts that help to heal that area will be much appreciated. I've done research on it, so I have some ideas, but I just wanted some input from some of the veterans in here. Thanks ahead of time.
Don't do anything as far as workouts until you have a doctor check it out and it's fully healed!!! It will cause major setbacks if you keep injuring it
Like Daredevil said let it rest for now. When I had a shoulder issue they sent me to a physical therapist to asses the damage. Since I could still use it and it was not at a level that it caused me great discomfort, they did not do an MRI and determined it was a very small tear. They had me do very basic flexibility movements followed by very light weighted movements. Its been almost 4 months now and I can do pretty much anything with it but I can still feel it from time to time. Good luck man.
How do you think you injured it? I'm going to take a guess and say improper form or using too heavy of weights doing shoulder exercises. While your down you need to figure out what caused the issue and work mentally on correcting it.
Daredevil said:
How do you think you injured it? I'm going to take a guess and say improper form or using too heavy of weights doing shoulder exercises. While your down you need to figure out what caused the issue and work mentally on correcting it.
lol, I fucked mine up from arm wrestling
Arm wrestling is extremely dangerous. Surprised you would do that, considering your into body building. I've personally seen a guy once arm wrestling and his elbow broke through the skin and was a compound fracture. Blood was pouring out drastically. Now his arm is somewhat lop-sided in a way that it doesn't stretch right or look right.
I tore my left side 3 times when shoulder dislocated and 1 on the right side playing hockey. Took years to get the left side good again but that was serious damage. The right side wasn't so bad. Physical therapy for sure
Don't be surprised if its not your rotator cuff. Many associate shoulder pain and hinge joint pain with a rotator cuff where in fact it could be a labrum problem. This I know from experience. Labrum surgery is pretty promising to return to a regular lifting lifestyle while rotator cuff surgery can be more challenging.
I think I injured it from going too heavy. But it was a old injury from when I was in the marines. If I'm being honest, I should have just stayed at reps of 8-12. I wanted to test myself and got too heavy with reps of four, and that's when I felt my first tweek in my shoulder. I am eager to get back into the gym, which is why I asked for any advice for light weight excercises. I won't even get into intermediate weights until I feel I'm healed. Doc appointment is my first step. Luckily we are getting into winter months, so a little bulk from slacking in the gym won't be to bad. Hopefully I'm good for my spring cycle.

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