Sam Sex Marriage


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
in a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court ruled that states may no longer ban same-sex marriage! Go USA
good, it's 2015. discriminating against people because of their sexual orientation is ridiculous.
Pretty soon people will start marrying animals!! It will be great!! 😛

I think we have bigger things to worry about than gay marriage. Divorce rate will be even higher now

You guys heard about people wanting to get rid of American flag now?!? We are fucked as a country. So glad I live on a big piece of land and have lots of guns and ammo

I will survive the war coming!!! Will you?!? 🙂
tkasch30 said:
Im so glad fags can finally get married. Lmao. Finally i can sleep at night
tkasch30Omg. I literally laughed.

But on the note of what they said about the flag deal.. they are forcing the Confederate flag to be banned too.. taking it off the state capitol. . The true flag meaning doesn't mean shit about being racist. The flag is history.. a battle flag. But they take the dam American flag and burn it in public and stand on it, drag it all over the ground, etc and that's okay? Seriously.. what the hell is wrong with this country today? I watch the news because I like to keep myself updated in the world.. but It pisses me off at the shit that they vote upon and what actually passes vs what doesn't.

Then we have Obama talking about racist shit from a single mental dude who shot up a church.. talking about slavery that happened "200-300" years ago his words.. the he says Americans can't just forgot over night on what happened. . Since when is something 300 years ago an over night incident? Sick to my stomach. He basically sympathizes with the people causing violent acts.. the riots, he said he understood why they did it over the black kid who attacked a cop and he shot him to defend himself.. forget his name.. he was proven innocent and they rioted.. and Obama said he understands why they did what they did? Since when is it okay to destroy towns. Burn buildings. Peoples homes..

I gotta stop I'll go on for days. Haha
misterB said:
let them suffer the same as us previously married people did 🙂)
misterBAgreed. If 2 dudes want to get it on I don't give a fuck

I don't appreciate others telling me how to live my life, what sups to take, etc.
I'm not happy about their right to marriage. It's just going to make them more flamboyant. I don't bother anyone. But I've been in the presence of gays strutting their stuff. They are like pack animals the larger the group the cockiest they are. I flipped and told them I will break all their jaws so they can't suck their Bf's cocks.

I do know a few lesbian couples. They are cool to have a beer with, don't flaunt it and they also don't care for the flambuoyant ways of the males
You know whats really pathetic about this? With all the shit thats fucked up in this country now,why this bullshit is even a concern for people either way is disgusting.I don't give 2 shits and a damn whether your a guy and want to suck dick or a woman and want to munch carpet,GOOD FOR YOU.Keep it to yourself!!! Just more of the pussy country we are in even feeling this needs to be made a law.

WHO GIVES A FUCK!!! People need to wake the fuck up,get thier heads out of their asses and realize how fucking led they are by the easy manipulations of those in power.They want you fighting over the petty and meaningless shit while they gleefully remain untouched by this shit and continue getting richer off of robbing us pee-ons.
F.I.S.T. said:
You know whats really pathetic about this? With all the shit thats fucked up in this country now,why this bullshit is even a concern for people either way is disgusting.I don't give 2 shits and a damn whether your a guy and want to suck dick or a woman and want to munch carpet,GOOD FOR YOU.Keep it to yourself!!! Just more of the pussy country we are in even feeling this needs to be made a law.

WHO GIVES A FUCK!!! People need to wake the fuck up,get thier heads out of their asses and realize how fucking led they are by the easy manipulations of those in power.They want you fighting over the petty and meaningless shit while they gleefully remain untouched by this shit and continue getting richer off of robbing us pee-ons.
F.I.S.T.Just skimmed but...
From what i read I agree 100%!
I think they should keep it to themselves as much as you keep it to yourself
morrey said:
I think they should keep it to themselves as much as you keep it to yourself

Well I dont go around telling everybody that im straight and telling you you have to accept it.No one gives a fuck nor do I if they know it or accept it. A fucking law saying you can suck dick legally and tell everyone their a married couple?? LMFAO. Good for them! We're all so proud of their courage!

Meanwhile VETS are still being fucked over,current soldiers are dying for bullshit politics and forgotten after returning home,wellfare fucks are leeching off of the working class and criminals are getting rich & famous for being criminals while cops are getting fired for not being nice towards them.
I'll say this little bit further.
Marriage itself should go back to RELIGION only and be put out of government.
Let the religion decide at that level.
Whatever the government form is/would be civil union, government marriage all straight or gay couples should be allowed.
Best of all worlds. Government and religion separate.
All equal under the law.
Religious people keeping their religion...

But that's just me.

My thoughts of what is right and just vary dramatically if its a the government level or not..
Hey I'd my pups could get insurance! 😉
morrey said:
in a 5-4 decision the Supreme Court ruled that states may no longer ban same-sex marriage! Go USA

GRIM said:
I'll say this little bit further.
Marriage itself should go back to RELIGION only and be put out of government.
Let the religion decide at that level.
Whatever the government form is/would be civil union, government marriage all straight or gay couples should be allowed.
Best of all worlds. Government and religion separate.
All equal under the law.
Religious people keeping their religion...

But that's just me.

My thoughts of what is right and just vary dramatically if its a the government level or not..

I agree with Grim on this "marriage" should have nothing to do with government.

The only reason this is even a big freaking deal is because Insurances and Money!!! That's all they can call something else it's just a way for them to have the same rights as other couples.

Everyone has a right to live their lives the way they want to. Just push your views on me and my family

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