SARMS... anybody use them... lots of new ones... are they good?


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
i see lots of new SARMS out... anybody try any any feedback...

if they work at all....seems like a good in between blast supplement.
i know it's marketing here but LG 4033

Ligandrol is currently the strongest SARM available. It has an Anabolic/Androgenic ratio of approximately 10:1 whereas testosterone is 1:1. It is said to be 11x stronger than Ostarine, a popular recomp and cutting SARM.

but damn if it is half as good as that

and SR 9009

There is no need to be a genius to realize all the possibilities SR9009 opens to an athlete – amazing endurance and strength, fat loss, muscle hypertrophy (growth), improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and an increased metabolism. Hence, one can expect results similar to those seen with Cardarine (GW-501516), but with considerably more extra benefits. Besides, since stenabolic works great both solo or stacked, it will be a very good addition to any steroid or SARMS cycle, and it will give especially impressive results when used together with Cardarine.

All in all, Stenabolic will allow you to do more cardio training, lift more, lose fat, gain lean muscle mass, and improve cholesterol levels. Cholesterol and cardio management is very important when using SR in combination with such steroids as Anavar or Trenbolone.
why would mk-677 do anything for test crashing? it's a growth-hormone secretagogue.
i've done ostarine a couple of times. it's mild, best used as a bridge between cycles and for cutting. that being said, i'd rather just do steroids.
it's mild, best used as a bridge between cycles and for cutting.

that would be the purpose for me... between blast

especially something like SR 9009...

amazing endurance and strength, fat loss, muscle hypertrophy (growth), improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and an increased metabolism.

probably will pull the trigger on it or something soon... just looking for real world input... not just the marketing that i'm reading on the net
rad140 sounds the most interesting to me, but i would stack it with test as there seems to be evidence that they enhance each other and/or are synergistic, and it also supposedly protects the prostate.
I've liked them. No doesn't help test but like a very mild cycle while off
mk-677 is not even a sarm
no, i don't have any problem with you or anyone here. i just wanted to point out that it is not a sarm, since it is frequently passed off as one for some reason or another by supplement and peptide/rc companies. i apologize if i came off as snarky or whatever.
understandable give the way it has been marketed

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