Second shoulder surgery



I just had my second shoulder surgery about 4 months ago, it was on the other arm not both the same arm. I had surgery a few years ago for a torn rotator cuff tendon and a slap lesion and that is exactly what I just had on the other shoulder. Surgery was 3 hours operating, 4 anchors implanted, and 8 nice scars around my whole shoulder. Now I have matching surgeries! One thing I am doing different this time is I am not going to PT, I am doing it on my own. I think this time recovery is going faster because I know what to expect and what to do so it isnt all new to me. Im back in the gym after 6 months off, 4 months post surgery and 2 months pre surgery. I just started lifting the weights this week starting with a whopping 10lbs for all exercises, I get to bum it up 10lbs each month for the next few months and then I can go all out if I want to. I am gonna take it slow and easy. Im also gonna restructure my workout routines to avoid more injuries. I will figure out how to get real big without having to destroy my body to do it. Just takes time.

surgeries suck I know I have had 3 back surgeries this year.. recovery time is a bitch.. plus I am super hard headed so it does not help in the least bit...

Good luck with your recovery and I hope you are able to come around full circle...
Yea I have come back from each of my surgeries so far, one shoulder surgery and a double hernia surgery, so I know I can do it. I just hate the time it takes to come back and the having to start all over from the beginning again. I was right where I wanted to be at before my surgery, I looked good I was big I was strong and now its all gone and Im back at square one.

I went from 185 lbs to 132 lbs after my first surgery I had gotten an infection in my spin which got into my blood. I am back to 199 now not the best I have ever looked got some fat on me kind of depressing at times. I cant dead lift or squat for shit but I hit the gym just like I always have with the same intensity.. I hope to one day be able to dead lift over 500 lbs and squat over 500 again... It is a pain in the ass but we cant just give up.. think for the most part people who enjoy this sport are like minded and dont let things get in our way
Damn, Injuries suck! But, you're right Cross, body builders have that little extra self motivation to help them get through it.
Motivation is a big part of working out. I have been lifting for 24 years and it is just something that I do plain and simple, if I dont go to the gym I feel bad and like I am missing something in my day. I just have to go. Heck right after my surgery I was in a sling with a catheter in my neck and a fanny pack with a huge bag of medicine keeping my arm numb and I was still right there in the gym everyday, I couldnt lift or touch a weight but I was there with my wife while she worked out. Cant keep me out of the gym!!! lol

we can gimp through it together 😉

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