I'd like to point out that GRIM has $3,300,324 of EG Cash. I only have $1,008. This seems unfair, elitist and sexist. Granted I spend time shaving my balls in the shower each morning when I could be making posts on EG, but should I be penalized for my smooth sackedness? And yes I have been known to spend extra time parading around the gym locker room naked, putting one foot up on a bench, and talking to people as if I don't notice they are uncomfortable, but hell I'm an older guy and that's what we do in gyms all across the world. Again, should I lose out on EG cash simply because I'm doing important stuff like this?
GRIM my weighted blanket and I feel it's only right you fork over at least half your ill gotten gains so I can continue in my ways.
- T
GRIM my weighted blanket and I feel it's only right you fork over at least half your ill gotten gains so I can continue in my ways.
- T