Sensitive nips!


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Hey bros, I have a question, after I started feeling signs of gyno , I stopped my cycle, 300 mg of test e , 300 mg of deca a week . Also was doin Tbol at 40 mg Ed. Well I began to take aromasin at 12.5 mg Ed , and it did calm down some, then when I got my hands in caber I began that at .5 mg Ed for five days, well the bloat calmed down but nips were still sensitive, but not much. Well today I started gear again and my nips got sensitive alittle more than b4, I have aromasin , caber , Adex, any advice??? And I will be getting bloodwork done either this week or next, any ideas guys??? Thanks bros
I was off the cycle for alittle over a month. Wanted to get that in there!
You're on cycle for one day.....and already you have sensitive nips? :-\ Could it be an over-reaction because of the last cycle? And, if it's not....the way I see it, you have two options 1)With this kind of sensitivity you're gonna have to block out almost all your you need to take an A.I. and a Serm together, or 2) Stop your cycle take another month off, and retry.
Nolva wont stop the test conversion to estrogen but it willl help stop it from attaching to fat cells. Adex will stop the conversion that being said you need some estro in your blood also. With out any you gonna have hard to in the sex department. The sensitivty your felling isnt coming from your shot today. It takes 2 weeks for the test to kick in and the deca is close to 3 weeks. How long has it been since last shot before today.
wow so much useful information here.
i will keep my eyes on this thread to see what i can learn
It's not that my nips r sensitive with just getting back on my cycle, it just seems like they've just gotten alittle more???
Sorry didn't reply to ur individual quotes !!!
ok this is my opinion take it for what it is worth.. now I dont know if you have been doing cardio since you started your cycle. But I do know if you wear a heavy shit ( from my experience ) and it is wet from sweat it will rub your nips and make them sensitive. SO something to think about..

Now as to combating it from the the use of gear this is what I was told by a knowledgeable dude and well it has worked for my gerbil from high doses of deca 10mg of nolva a day 1mg of caber a week split. no need to run aromasin. in my opinion is destroys to much estro and will negate a good amount of gains you can make.. also aromasin is not what you want to take to combat progesterone nolva, caber and I cant remember the other one but I would not recommend it to harsh in my opinion. NOw if you are super sensitive to deca two options you can take, to cease the deca completely from here on out or run the nolva and caber for the duration of your cycle. if the 10mg dont do the trick you can bump it up to 20 mg a day split am /pm dont bump the caber and make sure you are getting it from a good source.

here is my opinion of deca it is a great compound yes and great for strength increases but I am super sensitive to it even at low to moderate doses.I mean my gerbil lol It is just not worth the sides in my opinion plus it puts my gerbils dick in the dirt. I would if it was me switch to EQ or BOld cyp.

There could be many things causing the sensitiveness probably not the deca being it takes for me at least 2-3 weeks to start to notice it.

I hope you get this figured out bro.. good luck keep us posted
ok this is my opinion take it for what it is worth.. now I dont know if you have been doing cardio since you started your cycle. But I do know if you wear a heavy shit ( from my experience ) and it is wet from sweat it will rub your nips and make them sensitive. SO something to think about..

Now as to combating it from the the use of gear this is what I was told by a knowledgeable dude and well it has worked for my gerbil from high doses of deca 10mg of nolva a day 1mg of caber a week split. no need to run aromasin. in my opinion is destroys to much estro and will negate a good amount of gains you can make.. also aromasin is not what you want to take to combat progesterone nolva, caber and I cant remember the other one but I would not recommend it to harsh in my opinion. NOw if you are super sensitive to deca two options you can take, to cease the deca completely from here on out or run the nolva and caber for the duration of your cycle. if the 10mg dont do the trick you can bump it up to 20 mg a day split am /pm dont bump the caber and make sure you are getting it from a good source.

here is my opinion of deca it is a great compound yes and great for strength increases but I am super sensitive to it even at low to moderate doses.I mean my gerbil lol It is just not worth the sides in my opinion plus it puts my gerbils dick in the dirt. I would if it was me switch to EQ or BOld cyp.

There could be many things causing the sensitiveness probably not the deca being it takes for me at least 2-3 weeks to start to notice it.

I hope you get this figured out bro.. good luck keep us posted
Thank u bro, really appreciate the knowledge. I think it may be from the test, so I'll do the nolvadex and caber. U said split it out in the am and pm , would this be Ed or eod , just to be clear ? And I will start with 10 mg and up the dose if needed. Good looks my dude !!! Let me know on when to take it tho !
I do 5 mg in the morning and 5 mg when I go to bed. that is how i do it.. also if you bump the dose to 20 do it in the same manner. No problem bro

sorry forgot got to say take the nolva ED.
Understood bro, I have been takin 10mg in the am and 10 in the pm , with the caber only once a week. Instead of pinning twice a week like I normally would, I decided to pin only once a week for now to see how my body reacts to it. Plus I had bloodwork done , waitin for results on that. As for my pecs the sensitivity has gone down tremendously I feel alittle bloat but not much. But I will continue because only been running it like u suggested and another one of my bros suggested the same thing, part of the board, for a few days like that. But I have to say that since goin back to the gym my pecs r extra sore, but hopefully that will pass and I will get back into it fully. So what u think OB ? And thank u very much bro !!!
Torres said:
Understood bro, I have been takin 10mg in the am and 10 in the pm , with the caber only once a week. Instead of pinning twice a week like I normally would, I decided to pin only once a week for now to see how my body reacts to it. Plus I had bloodwork done , waitin for results on that. As for my pecs the sensitivity has gone down tremendously I feel alittle bloat but not much. But I will continue because only been running it like u suggested and another one of my bros suggested the same thing, part of the board, for a few days like that. But I have to say that since goin back to the gym my pecs r extra sore, but hopefully that will pass and I will get back into it fully. So what u think OB ? And thank u very much bro !!!
seems like we got the same info from the same dude lol...... really I dont see anything wrong with pinning once a week. I think it is a good idea. I dont see why you could not really just pin once a week for your entire cycle if it is a long ester compound. IF you are taking a low dose amount. I think you still make great gains on a low dose cycle and would probably keep more of your gains.. This is just a hypothesis though..
I def do understand ur reasoning. But yea I always liked and looked forward to twice a week but with this shit , I'll keep it at one for now . But I will def keep everyone posted on what comes !!!

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