Seperate The Real From The Phony !!!


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Alright , Rant Time !!!
So everyday I check out the board and see people post up and talk about how hard they train , how much they lift , the hours spent in the gym , what they can lift , yada yada yada !!!
But who really , truly , talks the talk and walks the walk ????
I guaren fuckin tee that half these people don't do shit but sit on there ass and fake the funk !!! For real , like u can tell who really puts in time and who watches videos on Bro Science and claims they train !!! Come on man , I'm sick and tired of these fuckin posers claiming shit and all they know about the inside of the gym is what they see on videos !!! Stop the BullShit and put in work !!!
All ya ever lift is ur fat , lazy ass outta bed , and even that's a task !!!
I know who the real lifters are , and ya know who ya are too . I'm not calling anyone out , because I don't have to , it's fuckin obvious who does what they say .
Shit man I'm not sayin I'm the biggest , strongest , or most jacked guy in here but at least I put in work and I do it every fuckin day !!!
So just a call out for those who bullshit , please do me the favor , do all of the REAL lifters a favor and keep the shitty stories to urself , save ur breath , u'll live longer !!!
For all the real gym fanatics that live and breath this shit , RESPECT !!!
RANT OVER !!! My .02 !!!
I love it. Great post Torres. Ok you got me. Sorry guys I wanted to fit in. This is me. I'm lean and pretty jacked. Lmao


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JuicedVenom said:
I love it. Great post Torres. Ok you got me. Sorry guys I wanted to fit in. This is me. I'm lean and pretty jacked. Lmao
It's obvious !!! JV Is really JB , Justin Beiber !!! Malnourished Prick !!!
JuicedVenom said:
I love it. Great post Torres. Ok you got me. Sorry guys I wanted to fit in. This is me. I'm lean and pretty jacked. Lmao
Is that a flat chested 14yo old girl? Grim is that your gf?? 😛. Lol. J/k
You got me. I've owned 7 gyms and been training for more than 30 years, but by training I mean I bring snacks and watch other people lift.

If you seriously want to drive yourself nuts, go visit some of these "athletes" FaceBook pages. Yesterday this slightly above average chick posted a picture of herself and said, "Two hours of training shoulders!" Two hours my ass. You know I had something to say. You also know I was quickly unfriended.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It was Monday yesterday so of course I had the leg equipment 100% to myself while everyone else in the gym walked around playing chest, arms and texting.
tkasch30 said:
Is that a flat chested 14yo old girl? Grim is that your gf?? 😛. Lol. J/k
I spit up my coffee !!!!! LMFAO !!!!
T-bar said:
You got me. I've owned 7 gyms and been training for more than 30 years, but by training I mean I bring snacks and watch other people lift.

If you seriously want to drive yourself nuts, go visit some of these "athletes" FaceBook pages. Yesterday this slightly above average chick posted a picture of herself and said, "Two hours of training shoulders!" Two hours my ass. You know I had something to say. You also know I was quickly unfriended.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It was Monday yesterday so of course I had the leg equipment 100% to myself while everyone else in the gym walked around playing chest, arms and texting.
T bar , isn't it the truth bro !!! That's another reason I don't have FB , all the goddamn bullshit . Makes me sick to my stomach how some people claim they train , but all they train is their thumbs !!!
Can't stand people like that bro , taking up my space in the gym !!!
Just go play dungeons and dragons !!!
Torres said:
T bar , isn't it the truth bro !!! That's another reason I don't have FB , all the goddamn bullshit . Makes me sick to my stomach how some people claim they train , but all they train is their thumbs !!!
Can't stand people like that bro , taking up my space in the gym !!!
Just go play dungeons and dragons !!!
And since when did it become so popular for skinny little girls to constantly promote themselves as bad-asses? How many stupid ass things do I have to read from a loud mouth girl with a TINY amount of muscle claiming they are going to beat some guys ass if he disrespects her by commenting on any of the pictures she constantly posts showing her tits. What's wrong with being an intelligent & classy woman today?
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Torres you Prick you caught me! I jerk off three times a day though and my right Fore arm could compete!!! LOL
Dude going HAM.. just seeing this post. Been at the gym since 9pm yesterday. Killer ab workout.
Bro I think we live in the same town , the SAME thing happens my way . These bitches think they're Ms Incredible , and they weigh 110lbs w/ a hoodie on !!!
Lmao@AK !!!
I knew something was wrong with u when all u wanted to do was grab shit w/ ur right hand . Looked like that guy from Scary Movie , " Grab My Strong Hand " !!!
I personally love the lifestyle and the gym itself. There are those people who annoy me but for the most part I can avoid them. I love seeing people work hard and have a lot of respect for those that achieve their fitness goals whatever they are. I love seeing the big guys in the gym but I also enjoy seeing the guys who can jump strait up four feet in the air and land on those boxes. I like cross fitters who are in great shape and can kill whatever they are doing. I like seeing the old man who despite is age and limitations, works harder than the young skinny guys who could be in fantastic shape if he only stopped lifting up his shirts to see if his six pack abs are still attached to his 145 pound frame. Bottom line if you are working hard in the gym you are my kind of person regardless of what you are doing. You dont have to be huge or ripped, I can see who is putting the work in and thats what drives me.

and Milfs in yoga pants.... that drives me to 😉
Don't get me wrong. I love chicks that train hard and can out lift most guys. I love a chick that can rip out pullups with great form and squat 225 for reps despite being 125lbs. Like anything, it's the ones that run their big mouths (men or women) that are totally incapable of backing up with their lips deliver. 99.999999999% of the time there is no chance a woman has to kick most guys asses, so why pretend differently. There are many ways to win a battle. Your mouth isn't one of them.

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