Shot in the leg


EG Cash
So I normally do my shots in the glutes. I recently did a shot in my thigh and I couldn’t walk the following day. Like extremely painful. Why did that happen to me. It’s since kept me from doing shots anywhere but my glutes. Please give me some information why.
Lots of nerves in that area, anymore I only shoot glutes and occasionally delts. Where in the quad did you shoot?
I would say the bottom part of the upper third section if that makes any sense at all. It was at the height where my thumb was when my arms hung down. Outside part of leg.
Hit a nerve is my guess. I do thighs a lot rarely have an issue.
If you don’t ever do shots there very often sometimes it’s like pinning a virgin muscle. What length pin are you using?
Give it a week try it again I’ll almost guarantee it won’t be crippling again unless your pinning high mg/ml gear then that may be an issue
Like @Eman said, if you hardly ever pin Quads, it will def hurt and sometimes immobilize you something serious.
The first time I pinned Quads, it was with 1cc of Test P and I swear I couldn't walk good for almost a week.
It hurt just sitting down.
A suggestion, take like 4 ibuprofen and elevate the leg when you lay down , it will def help !!!
Thanks guys. I had ran the super test 400 at 1 1/2 ml in the shot. I’m going to try like 3/4 ml shot of test e this next time and use the chart one of you guys showed in a link to find a good spot.
Thanks guys. I had ran the super test 400 at 1 1/2 ml in the shot. I’m going to try like 3/4 ml shot of test e this next time and use the chart one of you guys showed in a link to find a good spot.
Jaygains1984I’m bout 99% certain that T400 crippled you.. mine will do the same if I pin anything over a ml at any injection site.
Quads are one of my favorite spots, however I prefer the front of the thigh vs the outside like you mentioned. Your compound could have caused some more extreme pip in a Virgin muscle since it is a higher concentrate. Perhaps try a longer and thinner pin. If that higher concentration happened to end up going subq at all, I'd imagine it definitely would leave you hurting for a while. We're you sore a few inches or more around the actual injection site? Was it swollen or tender at all? Try 1 inch 25g in that muscle. But in my opinion, that much oil with that concentration in a new muscle could just take time to break in. That or some oil went subq.
I've pinned in the side of mid thigh which crippled me so maybe try the front of the thigh? Yeah maybe did once hit the nerves as once got an electric shock feeling and then leg twitching for a while which was an unnerving experience.
Agreed... 400 gives me pip everywhere! I use 1” 25 gauge on thighs all the time and rarely have any issues.
I use 28g 1/2 in my thighs weekly without issue
I had that problem first time I pinned the outside. Figured I got it in the IT band or between the muscles. Never again'd
3/4 pin not in all the way could really be the issue, a 1/2 inch deep for 1.5 ml is pretty shallow unless your trying to go subq. I would bury a 1" and see if that helps.

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