Shoulder Doc Tomorrow


Vino 1

Like it says goin to a shoulder specialist tomorrow. Been putting it off for too long now and my shoulders are hating me for it. Don't know what the problem is but they both hurt. I'm afraid he's goin to tell me to stop lifting for a while. Wtf am I supposed to do then? Will update after appt tomorrow
that's always their fix. Stop lifting heavy :/
Vino 1 said:
Like it says goin to a shoulder specialist tomorrow. Been putting it off for too long now and my shoulders are hating me for it. Don't know what the problem is but they both hurt. I'm afraid he's goin to tell me to stop lifting for a while. Wtf am I supposed to do then? Will update after appt tomorrow
Vino 1
Just went myself Big Vino. I have a separation that never healed from several football injuries in the 90s. They gave me a good steroid shot via ultrasound right into the joint and told me have a ball. I have surgery in Dec
Good luck keep us updated..right left shoulder is killing me.. when i lift..i curious to know exactly what he tells you..
Well I went today. It was a lack luster doctor appt. the doctor was short, non descriptive, and didn't even really give me a diagnosis. He didn't suggest MRI either. He simply said he didn't think it was a tear and that I should lower my weight for 4 weeks and gave me Mobic for inflammation. That was it. I'm going for a second opinion I believe. At least get an MRI done on my shoulder. Definetely not satisfied with this doctor
Definitely get another Doc, someone who deals in the sports medicine field. Keep is posted.....injuries suck.
Vino 1 said:
Well I went today. It was a lack luster doctor appt. the doctor was short, non descriptive, and didn't even really give me a diagnosis. He didn't suggest MRI either. He simply said he didn't think it was a tear and that I should lower my weight for 4 weeks and gave me Mobic for inflammation. That was it. I'm going for a second opinion I believe. At least get an MRI done on my shoulder. Definetely not satisfied with this doctor
Vino 1
This is what Incurance and Doctors have come to. Pathetic. Shoulders are nothing to fuck with. Very complex
JM750 said:
This is what Incurance and Doctors have come to. Pathetic. Shoulders are nothing to fuck with. Very complex
doc sounds like a dick but the mobic is good shit been on it for 2 yrs
Thanks guys. Will be taking the Mobic and I am goin to look at my shoulder routine and see if I can make some changes. As Long as I don't do overhead presses it's manageable. Bench press does hurt a bit too so I'm goin to look at that too.
Drop that DOC! Find you a young guy, around 5 years out. All the new cool stuff with shoulders and scopes has just come out over the last decade, particularly last 5 years. Not to say that the older guys cant catch up. But especially with shoulders they are doing things with scopes that they didnt know anything about 10 years ago.
flyingfox said:
Definitely get another Doc, someone who deals in the sports medicine field. Keep is posted.....injuries suck.
flyingfoxTHis^^^^^ need a sports Doc. if you want quicker results.
Most shoulder injuries can be prevented and healed by seeing someone who is well versed in ART and shoulder imbalances. Weak rhomboid/rotator cuff, shoulder imbalance causing rotator inflammation (impingement), built up scar tissue can all cause pain. I'm a firm believer in ART and Graston. I had shit loads of scar tissue and my shoulder ROM was very poor. After a few treatments I was back up to where I should be. I could barely put my hands behind my back or reach around to the back of my neck.
I'm afraid he's goin to tell me to stop lifting for a while. Wtf am I supposed to do then? Will update

remember your lifting career is for life... so being healthy is so important...if it takes some time off to get right and some ART and rehab to get back it is still a very short period of your life. you gotta be healthy to make progress and enjoy the lifting journey... good luck bro
I have had both my shoulders fixed, had rotator cuffs torn and slap lesions in both biceps long head tendons. I will say from experience if you have any pains in your shoulder go get it checked asap, don't let it go too long or it could result in surgery. Shoulder surgery is not a joke either, it hurts like hell and it takes a long time to recover from. My right shoulder took 1.5 yrs to recover and my left shoulder did much better on recovery but still took 7 months to get back to still under 100%. I have 4 anchors in each shoulder holding my tendons together and in place. I had ortho surgery so I have 8 holes in each shoulder going around from front to back, they look like I got shot a bunch of times they are real deep hole scars.

So in short any pain get it checked out and take it easy on the weights until you find out what is wrong. An MRI is the only way to go cause they cant really tell to good from xrays and even an MRI may only show some of what is wrong depending on your body mass. Mine showed a slight tear which would have been about 45 mins and 3-4 holes to fix, turns out it was way worse when he got inside the shoulder and 4 anchors, 8 holes, and 3.5 hrs to fix. And that was each shoulder!

Good luck brother

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