I have had both my shoulders fixed, had rotator cuffs torn and slap lesions in both biceps long head tendons. I will say from experience if you have any pains in your shoulder go get it checked asap, don't let it go too long or it could result in surgery. Shoulder surgery is not a joke either, it hurts like hell and it takes a long time to recover from. My right shoulder took 1.5 yrs to recover and my left shoulder did much better on recovery but still took 7 months to get back to still under 100%. I have 4 anchors in each shoulder holding my tendons together and in place. I had ortho surgery so I have 8 holes in each shoulder going around from front to back, they look like I got shot a bunch of times they are real deep hole scars.
So in short any pain get it checked out and take it easy on the weights until you find out what is wrong. An MRI is the only way to go cause they cant really tell to good from xrays and even an MRI may only show some of what is wrong depending on your body mass. Mine showed a slight tear which would have been about 45 mins and 3-4 holes to fix, turns out it was way worse when he got inside the shoulder and 4 anchors, 8 holes, and 3.5 hrs to fix. And that was each shoulder!
Good luck brother