I said I would give a shout out to Amino Asylum the other day for their great legit products and here it is, only wish we had them on our site as a vendor 🙂.
Keep in mind he has always been hyper and off the wall, had to get him to settle down in the house, lol.
Ok most brothers probably know by now that my 3 yr old Canine was diagnosed with Lymphoma/cancer just over a month maybe 2 months ago. I have been giving him everything natural that I could think of to make his quality of life better along with the vet having him on Prednisone. The Prednisone has just wiped him out, bloat, no energy, hungry and thirsty all the time, pees 50 times a day and just stopped wagging his tail, started just laying around as animals do when they know it is their time..... Canines are amazing, they don't complain, wine etc....when they feel they are sick enough or it is their time they will go find a quiet secluded room or corner and just lay there and pass away quietly, I know this from experience with a chihuahua I used to have and even though I rushed him to the vet he had congestive heart failure and something and torn concerning his hear so they are just amazing creatures and friends.
Well I started giving my fury child 1ml of AMINO ASYLUM CoQ10 I had laying around and after a day or two he perked up, started wagging his tail again (he had stopped), started showing activity and life, not his normal self but more like his normal self. He was no longer just laying around all day, he was up and active, licking us again, wagging his tail, somewhat playful and happy. He will never be cured and he is always going ot be somewhat sluggish but my goal is for him to enjoy the rest of his life that he has left, since then I have read about micronized creatine fighting cancer in a child and we all need our Amino Acids so I have started giving him creatine (creapure) and Amino Acids mixed in some yogurt and then mixed in with his food. If it will help anyone that has a Canine child that might be sick or suffering then I will put my protocol for my boy up as I go along with him. I don't want to tear his body up with chemo and I wouldn't take it myself so we are going with nature and hoping for the best.
Keep in mind he has always been hyper and off the wall, had to get him to settle down in the house, lol.
Ok most brothers probably know by now that my 3 yr old Canine was diagnosed with Lymphoma/cancer just over a month maybe 2 months ago. I have been giving him everything natural that I could think of to make his quality of life better along with the vet having him on Prednisone. The Prednisone has just wiped him out, bloat, no energy, hungry and thirsty all the time, pees 50 times a day and just stopped wagging his tail, started just laying around as animals do when they know it is their time..... Canines are amazing, they don't complain, wine etc....when they feel they are sick enough or it is their time they will go find a quiet secluded room or corner and just lay there and pass away quietly, I know this from experience with a chihuahua I used to have and even though I rushed him to the vet he had congestive heart failure and something and torn concerning his hear so they are just amazing creatures and friends.
Well I started giving my fury child 1ml of AMINO ASYLUM CoQ10 I had laying around and after a day or two he perked up, started wagging his tail again (he had stopped), started showing activity and life, not his normal self but more like his normal self. He was no longer just laying around all day, he was up and active, licking us again, wagging his tail, somewhat playful and happy. He will never be cured and he is always going ot be somewhat sluggish but my goal is for him to enjoy the rest of his life that he has left, since then I have read about micronized creatine fighting cancer in a child and we all need our Amino Acids so I have started giving him creatine (creapure) and Amino Acids mixed in some yogurt and then mixed in with his food. If it will help anyone that has a Canine child that might be sick or suffering then I will put my protocol for my boy up as I go along with him. I don't want to tear his body up with chemo and I wouldn't take it myself so we are going with nature and hoping for the best.