site injecting TNE for growth? any tried this


Iron Killer
Vendor Rep
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
ive heard some people claim site injecting tne or injectable orals into biceps like you would do with synthetol, will give growth to that muscle? has anyone actually tried this and had good results? seems like it would just be painful and cause scar tussue
I have done this in my arms. I have noticed size increase but not sure if its scar tissue or muscle
I've been using it once a week in the short head of my triceps.. seems to be making a difference
Most of the size u c is just inflammation from the inject site. There is very little growth if any from site injecting imo. Use synthenol if your interested in site growth. When used properly it produces very good results. People are so scared of it because of all the pics of people who WAY overdue it.
Eman said:
Most of the size u c is just inflammation from the inject site. There is very little growth if any from site injecting imo. Use synthenol if your interested in site growth. When used properly it produces very good results. People are so scared of it because of all the pics of people who WAY overdue it.
Eman said everything I would injecting horomones into smaller muscles actually slows down release even more. Its wasteful in my will get a bit of pumped look from shooting any oil into your muscles though. Doesn't mean it created new muscle...just my thoughts
Joker said:
I agree with these guys. Site (spot) injection was intended for synthol.
Using AAS to site inject is a waste of time. It's in your head.
The carrier oil used for hormones, breaks down in day(s)
Versus synthol which takes years. .. like 3 to 5
ANYONE. .. Who tries to preach site injection with hormones, such as test or what have you. They're selling you a dream.
NOW..... Unless you plan on competing ,the average Joe has no use for this type of compound or its application.
Eat big. .. lift big. Get big.

That's all


Joker out
Do you think site injection of HGH helps? If even 5% over a 6 month period for a weak body part?
Joker said:
That application. Absolutely. I think it's a Lil overrated BUT I'm also a vendor so I'll sell the shit out of it all day long.
If I had to choose. I'd choose suspension over tne.
Just my opinion. Works more efficiently.
JokerDear God, suspension make my ass hurt thinking about it. Like inject winny or bold ace 🙂
Wacker said:
Do you think site injection of HGH helps? If even 5% over a 6 month period for a weak body part?
Wackerwhen I was using HGH I had big noticeably divots in my stomach fat where injected...
Joker said:
That application. Absolutely. I think it's a Lil overrated BUT I'm also a vendor so I'll sell the shit out of it all day long.
If I had to choose. I'd choose suspension over tne.
Just my opinion. Works more efficiently.
O i can just feel the burn in my ass....... suspension...... ???
Joker said:
That application. Absolutely. I think it's a Lil overrated BUT I'm also a vendor so I'll sell the shit out of it all day long.
If I had to choose. I'd choose suspension over tne.
Just my opinion. Works more efficiently.
Any way you would make suspension??
Hanzo said:
Yeah morrey, you try it 1st and let us know if there's any pip.
totally down. Im not concerned about the pip. I asked because i was wondering if he could make a sterile product
i tried keeping that on the down low. Fuck i didnt want people to know my secret
morrey said:
totally down. Im not concerned about the pip. I asked because i was wondering if he could make a sterile product
morreyI wouldnt call it pip.... More like someone lit a fire in your ass......
Joker said:
Sterile product ?
What the Fuck is that suppose to mean ?
All my products are sterile... I wouldn't have invested the money I have in the equipment I use if it wasn't going to be sterile.
So I don't know what you're trying to insinuate Bubba
I didnt mean anything by it Joker. I meant that water based injectables are notorious for not being completely sterile. I was simply asking if you would make some suspension. You mentioned that you preferred it over TNE. I too prefer it but i cant find any

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