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What would yall say is the best AAS to use when seeking size and strength but also keeping estrogen/gyno risks to a minimum? I make it a point to truly avoid "wet" compounds and i am also very cautious of anything that can easily cause gyno related issues. Dealt with Gyno during puberty and am pretty sensitive to things still. So if looking for a drug to add in to a cycle to try and get the most possible size and strength gains but also looking to keep gyno risks to a minimum, what wouod you vote for? something like eq, tbol, just higher test, etc? Something stronger than an anavar but not so strong that it clearly comes with a high likelyhood of gyno issues for someone E sensitive.
What would yall say is the best AAS to use when seeking size and strength but also keeping estrogen/gyno risks to a minimum? I make it a point to truly avoid "wet" compounds and i am also very cautious of anything that can easily cause gyno related issues. Dealt with Gyno during puberty and am pretty sensitive to things still. So if looking for a drug to add in to a cycle to try and get the most possible size and strength gains but also looking to keep gyno risks to a minimum, what wouod you vote for? something like eq, tbol, just higher test, etc? Something stronger than an anavar but not so strong that it clearly comes with a high likelyhood of gyno issues for someone E sensitive.
puff88 I hear you brother I always stick to Test Tren or Para Mast long esters for core compounds adjust for best outcome Also add in limited aromatizers like T bol Superdrol Sten not avail MSten DMZ for jumpstart. Pwo s will use on off Ment or old PHs limited use. Have numerous ai s on hand at all times. Some things can bother you more than others. Adding in Mast seems to always help. I also found Hexadrone helps very non toxic and formastane if you can find it. Also a hefty dose of 1ando topical seemed to help. I have to be careful with Deca and Large doses of Testalone and always have Prami or caber on hand. Old Dragons right like always DHB works out if you can deal with pip. Great size maker.
Well tren still has a likelyhood of.causing gyno, but it is progesterone related not estrogen, correct?

Trying to avoid risks of gyno all together.
Well tren still has a likelyhood of.causing gyno, but it is progesterone related not estrogen, correct?

Trying to avoid risks of gyno all together.
puff88When it comes to Tren produced gynecomastia, there has been a prevailing myth that has been passed around message boards for years. The myth simply states that it’s the possible prolactin buildup caused by Trenbolone that leads to gynecomastia, but this simply isn’t true. William Llewellyn has largely dispelled this myth showing the intrinsic relationship between estrogen and progesterone imbalances and their effects on the mammary tissue. In his Anabolics series, you will find he goes into great detail explaining this issue.
From steroid profiles
i would love to get my hands on some formestane (lentaron)
Winstrol works well for me very effective at lowering shbg so you get more bang from your test. draw back is drying joints so i add in 1 cc a week of nandrolone. Test/Deca/Winstrol is very effective for me, want a bit more throw in some provirion for it's synergetic value.

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