Sleep and Testosterone: Each Extra Hour of Sleep Means Roughly 15% More Testoste


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Sleep and Testosterone: Each Extra Hour of Sleep Means Roughly 15% More Testosterone
Ali Kuoppala 03/06/2015

We don’t sleep enough. We’re so seduced by the modern day electronic marvels that instead of hitting the sack, we can do thousands of other things instead.

And unfortunately that’s what usually happens. When the sun sets and your body is ready to shut down and recharge itself, your brain tells you that its OK to watch one more episode of Breaking Bad instead…

…Sure you’ll be bit more tired the next day but that’s about it right?


Few Extra hours of sleep Can Double Your Testosterone

There’s three major things that lay the foundation for your testosterone levels.

The utmost important of them all, is sleep.

After all, your testosterone levels follow a circadian rhytm. They peak in the morning and slowly plummet towards the evening…

…And when you’re in the REM stages of your sleep, the endocrine system comes to life. Your brain starts sending signals down to your balls, telling them to produce massive amounts of testosterone, preparing you for the day ahead.

But how much testosterone is actually secreted during the night? That’s where science might help us:

a) Take this study from Penev et al. for example. ( Where the researchers gathered up a group of healthy men to test their testosterone levels first thing in the morning when they had just woken up. They also gave these men a wrist band that showed how long each guy had slept…

…The results showed that the guys who had slept for 4 hours, had testosterone levels howering around 200-300 ng/dl.

Compare that to the guys who slept for 8 hours, they had their levels at around 500-700 ng/dl.

The results showed that the more you sleep, the more testosterone your body produces. It’s just that simple.

b) This study from Gov et al. found out similar results.( They had 531 healthy men as test subjects, and they examined how the amount of sleep correlated with their testosterone level.

The results again show that the men who slept more also had significantly higher testosterone levels. In fact the guys who slept for 4 hours had about 60% less testosterone in their serum, than the men who slept for 8 hours.

The researchers in both studies concluded that men with low T are probably put on hormone replacement therapies far too quickly, as just one night with lack of sleep can more than halve serum testosterone levels…

Aside from sleeping longer, you can also supercharge the nightly testosterone production by improving the quality of your sleep:

How to Improve Sleep Quality

How many hours you sleep is completely up to you…

…However you can get more out of those hours by incorporating some simple sleep quality improving tips to your daily life.

You’ve probably heard the age old useless tips like drinking warm milk or counting sheep…

…But here’s a list of ways that will actually work:

Sleep in complete darkness. By this I mean that there should be not a single led light visible in the room where you’re sleeping in. As even a single dot of light in your night clock or mobile phone is enough to disturb the pineal gland’s ability to secrete the sleep hormone melatonin.

2. Close all the mobile-networks and wi-fi hotspots. This Saudi-Arabian study found out that the electromagnetic frequencies decrease sleep quality.(

3. Exercise during the day, as research has shown that just a simple exercise session incorporated in your daily life, can dramatically improve sleep quality.(

Melatonin. This is the hormone that your pineal gland secretes to make you sleep, thus it’s called the “sleep hormone”. You can supplement with it, and few studies also show that it may boost testosterone levels via inhibiting the aromatase enzyme.

Sleep in a cold room and be naked if you can. Firstly because cold room will mimic the natural sleeping habitat of the human body (we were meant to sleep outside), and secondly because the testicles need to be a tad bit colder than the basal body temperature is, for optimal functioning (that’s why they hang in a pouch outside the body and that’s also why cold showers and loose boxers increase testosterone).

6. Don’t watch bright electronic displays before you hit the sack, as the “blue light” in most electronic screens will impair pineal gland’s ability to produce melatonin (I use a software called f.lux, which automatically dims the screen and reduces “blue light” when its getting close to bedtime).

Supplement with Ashwagandha, as several studies have found that it positively influences sleep quality, which is likely due to the fact that it lowers the stress hormone cortisol (it’s also a potent testosterone booster).

Consume some simple carbs a hour or two before hitting the bed, as this will skyrocket your insulin production, making you energetic for a brief moment, but then your insulin will crash which makes you fall into sleep more easily.

Consume some high quality protein before hitting the bed, as certain amino acid’s such as L-tryptophan will increase melatonin production in the brain, thus also improves sleep quality.


The more you sleep, the more testosterone your body produces, it’s just as simple as that.

Science has proven that the men who sleep for 8 hours per night, have more than double the amount of testosterone as the guys who sleep for 4 hours per night.

So that might just be the easiest way to increase testosterone levels naturally…

…Just sleep more
Thanks Brother F.I.S.T.! This is a great read!

You're welcome my brother.Im glad you found it helpful and/or informative.

Thank you for reading it and for the reply.

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