Small newspaper reports about vaccine-damaged children receiving financial comp


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Small newspaper reports about vaccine-damaged children receiving financial compensation from the federal vaccine court.
J. D. Heyes
Natural News
Sun, 22 Mar 2015

The corporate media won't report such cases because their bottom line is more important than being honest with their readers, but vaccine damages do occur, even if the big newspapers don't want to risk their pharmaceutical industry ad purchases to tell you about them.

But not all media is corrupted in that manner, so our hats go off to the small-time Charlotte Observer, of Charlotte, North Carolina, which had the courage to tell the story of a local resident whose child has no future, thanks to vaccines.
As the paper reported in its February 28 edition online:

As they started their family, Mooresville residents Theresa and Lucas Black dutifully got their children immunized, never doubting their doctor's word that vaccines are safe and necessary.

But their faith in those promises was shaken in 2001, when their 3-month-old daughter, Angelica, developed life-threatening seizures and brain damage just three days after getting several vaccinations.

A neurologist in Charlotte diagnosed Angelica with vaccine-related encephalopathy - a brain injury. And in 2006, she was awarded $2 million plus $250,000 from a little known federal judiciary called the "vaccine court," which was established just for this purpose: Paying out vaccine-related injury claims.

'Anti-vaxxers' derided and compared to common criminals who should be jailed

So much for vaccines never causing harm; they have done so with such frequency that there had to be a special federal court established to handle the claims.

And now, Theresa Black, Angelica's mother, is being forced to suffer again, as the recent measles outbreak in California is causing her to feel bullied. If anyone has a right to oppose mandatory vaccinations, it is certainly the parent of a child permanently and irreparably damaged by them.

Federal, state and local health officials insist without reserve that vaccines are safe - always. Many have even strongly hinted that any parent who doesn't vaccinate their children ought to be charged with child abuse and even jailed.

"Anti-vaxxers often claim the right not to put 'poison' in their children's bodies. That is ludicrous," wrote Alex Berezow, founding editor of and co-author of "Science Left Behind", in a January 28 column in USA Today.

"A mountain of data has demonstrated that vaccines are safe and effective. Insisting otherwise is akin to believing that the moon landing was faked," he continued. "It is time to end this insanity. Though jail sounds drastic, it could be the only way to send a strong message about the deadly consequences of failing to vaccinate children."

Such radicalism angers parents like Black.

"There's people out there calling for us to get jailed," Black said. "I am not a freak. I am not trying to endanger anyone's child. ... I actually think vaccinating is a good thing. My problem is I don't think they are as safe as they could be. ... There are bad things that happen."

It is good this case got some press

But, as Angelica reminds her daily, there is nothing inherently safe about vaccines. Today, at 14 years old, Angelica is severely disabled, and she always will be. She is stricken with cerebral palsy and has a seizure disorder. She cannot speak and she must be fed through a tube. She is confined to a wheelchair. And because she is a 24-hour care case, her parents had to quit work to be at home for her 'round the clock.

Renee Gentry, a Virginia lawyer who represented the Blacks before the vaccine court, added that she has also been disturbed by some of the reaction to the measles outbreak.

"People are saying there's absolutely no evidence that vaccines cause brain injury, and we're sitting here with all these cases. It's rare ... but they clearly have happened," Gentry told the Observer.

Not that rare. In the mid-1980s, the Reagan administration established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Set up within the Department of Health and Human Services, the program "was established to ensure an adequate supply of vaccines, stabilize vaccine costs, and establish and maintain an accessible and efficient forum for individuals found to be injured by certain vaccines."

You can read about Angelica's case here. Bravo to The Charlotte Observer for covering the story. [/size]
problem always is too many shots on the same day. i was married to a pharmacist and she knew everything about these drugs and the thimerosal used in the multi dose vials, this is a neurotoxin ( mercury based) and small kids just cant possess it out if there''s too much at one time. families need to just say we'll take one or two shots today and come back next month for the others , the government never admits blame but once it happens they call it " exposing an underlying issue"
tkasch30 said:
So do you think know one should be vaccinated?
tkasch30Yes, kids should get them so we don't see reemergence of preventable diseases, just become familiar with the medications, if its a multi dose vial it might have thimerosal in it, people should ask, if it does don't get three or more shots that day, come back , sorry if its inconvenience but a child's brain is more important
misterB said:
problem always is too many shots on the same day. i was married to a pharmacist and she knew everything about these drugs and the thimerosal used in the multi dose vials, this is a neurotoxin ( mercury based) and small kids just cant possess it out if there''s too much at one time. families need to just say we'll take one or two shots today and come back next month for the others , the government never admits blame but once it happens they call it " exposing an underlying issue"
I agree, thus is what I did with my son. People really need to think, a young baby is so new to the world and so small that even a small amount of a chemical can be Extremely harmful. The doctors office I take my son to offered and assured me it was safe for him to take all of them at once and I called bullshit. It takes a few days for the body to build the antibodies for just one shot, so having it try to work against multiple is crazy. I allowed 2 shots per month and now I'm thinking for my next kid that maybe only 1 per month might be better.

I do believe vaccines are necessary and should be taken by all people. Maybe testing needs to be done on each patient before introducing each to see if it might be harmful to them or cause an illergic reaction.

There was just a recent outbreak of unvaccinated kids up here getting hospitalized from something their parents could have prevented. I know there no such thing as 100% safe, we all run the risk of getting hurt from any medication or drug we take, which is why there are so many warning labels on everything. We are all damned if we do and damned if we dont!
misterB said:
problem always is too many shots on the same day. i was married to a pharmacist and she knew everything about these drugs and the thimerosal used in the multi dose vials, this is a neurotoxin ( mercury based) and small kids just cant possess it out if there''s too much at one time. families need to just say we'll take one or two shots today and come back next month for the others , the government never admits blame but once it happens they call it " exposing an underlying issue"

I agree with this 100%. My issue is not strictly about vaccines but the AMOUNT that are given and the toxic shit thats in many of them.

Obviously,as the fanatic vaccine lovers will scream......."THEY CURED POLIO" (Which by the way is HIGHLY debatable) im all for vaccines for INCURABLE & TERMINAL diseases.Thats a given,but for the fukin flu??? Chicken pox???? Measles??? As ive stated a million times,ive had them all as a kid as well as my siblings and parents and their parents and so on and guess what?? NONE OF US DIED FROM THEM!! When these simple diseases that go away by themselves in relatively short periods of time became a fuking epidemic I have no idea but know exactly why they did.MONEY!!!!!More people get sick and die from many vaccines than for the supposed disease they are preventing.

You cant live in a bubble,nor can your children.So thinking by getting vaccines you're hiding yourselves or your loved ones from the evil of lifes germs,you're only trying to block out the reality of life which is...YOU'RE GOING TO COME INTO CONTACT WITH GERMS EVENTUALLY,AND MANY TIMES THROUGHOUT LIFE.The best way to deal with them is by building up your bodies natural defense system,i.e.,your IMMUNE SYSTEM.Thats the bullshit logic they use behind vaccines for Christs sake.Injecting you with a culture of the virus so your body can build up an immunity to it.

So again,do I think some vaccines are important? DUH,of course.Do I think we need 38 of them given to our children before they are teenagers with multiple given in one setting?? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!
misterB said:
problem always is too many shots on the same day. i was married to a pharmacist and she knew everything about these drugs and the thimerosal used in the multi dose vials, this is a neurotoxin ( mercury based) and small kids just cant possess it out if there''s too much at one time. families need to just say we'll take one or two shots today and come back next month for the others , the government never admits blame but once it happens they call it " exposing an underlying issue"

Didn't know that about thimerosal. Thanks for sharing!

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