This video is very misleading. I'm not saying McDonald's isn't junk. Because it is BUT .... I guarantee if you took regular food from the market. ... you'd see just as much weird shit as you would with the processed chicken nugget.
For example, take good ole pancake mix. ... You do all know the FDA allows a certain percentage of foods to have some sort of insects or what have you. ... its just how it is. Keep some flour or pancake mix laying around and you'll shit yourself what you'll find. BUGS!!
YUP. .. same thing with pasta..... Take pasta and look under the exact same microscope... I swear you'll do away with "Wednesday prince spaghetti day"
Those are just a couple examples.
(Oh btw)
Fish..... yup fresh fish.... You won't believe how many times we had to knife out worms. I worked in a restaurant for years. ...