Somedin (igf1-lr3) vs increlex (bio-identical igf1)


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
One of the biggest myths in the BB community is the Increlex - it is a FDA approved treatment for Dwarfism which contains bio-identical IGF1, or in other words the IGF1 which our body secretes. This is quite scarce product, and extremely expensive. Few (if any..) members here have used it, and proper usage may require 50 usd and more on daily basis just to give u some perspective.

Most of you have heard on the IGF1-lr3 which is vastly marketed for athletes, I've heard multiple times that the Increlex is much superior to the IGF1-lr3 etc.... well if IGF1-lr3 is real and made by USP standards it's simply s superior product to the increlex as a fact.

The IGF1-lr3 is a novel configuration of the IGF1 molecule. The LR3 stands for an addition of a "tail" added in a certain position to the IGF1 molecule, this makes the IGF1-lr3 much more potent. For a brief explanation refer to - "The actions of IGF-1 in vivo are modulated by IGF-1 binding proteins (IGFBPs), which generally act to inhibit IGF-I signalling. the analogue of IGF-I (LR3 IGF-I) has a significantly reduced binding affinity for IGFBPs". In simple words most of the IGF1 in the body is bounded to binding proteins (same as testosterone and other hormones), the binding proteins neutralize the hormone and turn it to not active, The new configuration helps IGF1-lr3 to travel in its active form in the serum and engage with the receptors much much more effectively. The article summarize and show the superiority of the IGF1-lr3 to the "regular" IGF1 - "Administration of LR IGF-I reduced the susceptibility of extensor digitorum longus, soleus and diaphragm muscles to contraction damage, as evident from lower force deficits after a protocol of lengthening contractions. In contrast to the mechanism of protection conferred by administration of IGF-I, the protection conferred by LR IGF-I was independent of changes in muscle fatigue and oxidative metabolism."

Till last years the LR3 version was considered a research grade hormone, and has never been approved for human use, but recently the FDA approved it for anti aging application under the brand Vicrin. We offer the Somedin which manufactured by the strictest USP standards in a western facility and offer it for fraction of the Vicrin's costs (620mcg costs 2500-4000usd at the clinics)

I'll offer 2+1 for any member, and will add extra gift of the top of this for any one who will log with full feedback.


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