spironolactone, dutasteride, finasteride, rogaine, nizoral shampoo for hair loss


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
hey guys, lets talk hair loss, who has tried what and whats worked best?

I started thinning a lot about 6-7 years ago at 20-21 years of age. I've been on finasteride 2.5mg 2-4 days a week for about 3years or more. I use nizoral shampoo 2-4 days a week as well.

I usually take dutasteride .5mg 2-4 days a week at least while I'm on cycle but sometimes more.

I've tried spiro and rogaine but never really done it enough to give it a real chance.

I will say all of this has really slowed my hair loss, from age 24-27 I've lost far less than from 21-24. But I have either not found anything to stop it or regrow it or if I have its spiro or rogaine which I haven't tried enough to see it.

I have way too big of a head to be bald lol some people can pull it off, don't think I'm one of them haha let meek now what you guys think.
Just a thought .... I wouldn't use the above products (dutasteride, finasteride) with any gear that uses the 5-alpha reductase enzyme for metabolism (like nandrolone) because in androgen-responsive target tissues such as the scalp the relative androgenicity is reduced by the reduction to dihydronandrolone (DHN). So, when you use a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor such as finasteride or dutasteride, it will interfere with site-specific reduction of action, and will actually considerably increase the tendency of nandrolone (or similar compounds) to produce androgenic side effects. Reductase inhibitors should be avoided with nandrolone if low androgenicity is desired, which is what you're shooting for when you use these products (duta and finasteride) in the 1st place. I mention this because you said you run these 2 products year round.
thanks for that info hanzo, deca is 1 of the few that I've never run because I bloat pretty easily as it is but I have run NPP twice before without realizing this. I will def keep that in mind and I need to see what else this would react with other than Nandralone

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