Spring Cycle - Digital Pharms


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So for my Spring cutter I will be running

Wk 1-4 Dbol @ 40mgs ED (Blue Hearts)
wk 1-7 Tren A @ 150mgs ED (Digital)
wk 1-8 Test P @ 100mgs ED (Digital)
wk 5-8 Winstrol @ 50mgs ED (Digital)

I know the DBol is not something really used for a cutter but I know I don't have the will power to have them just laying around. I have always been interested in what these Blue Hearts are all about. The Test and Tren from Digital are super smooth, can't wait to start seeing results.
big cycle there haha I like. Have your previous cycles been this hefty?
It's also a short cycle too. I actually like the kicker there in the beginning, just for some added meat. Probably gonna be an internal struggle going on with this cycle, but only at the beginning. I'd rather see you drop the dose down a little and extend the cycle out to at least 10 weeks.
I've run much heftier cycles then this. Honestly Im sure I will extend this cycle. I have a feeling that 7 weeks of tren a will be all I can do, that is usually my breaking point. I have thought about continuing on with the Test P and maybe switch over to NNP after Im done with the tren. Never used NNP and Im curious to see what it is like.
Wallycn said:
I've run much heftier cycles then this. Honestly Im sure I will extend this cycle. I have a feeling that 7 weeks of tren a will be all I can do, that is usually my breaking point. I have thought about continuing on with the Test P and maybe switch over to NNP after Im done with the tren. Never used NNP and Im curious to see what it is like.
WallycnNpp is A LOT like Tren....just weaker. Both Nandralones. Still get night sweats, vascularity, fat burning....
Do you think I would benefit from the switch or will it be somewhat counter productive?
You'll be fine.....
If I were running this I would run the tren and the npp for a week together....that way when the tren clears the npp will be in full stride....
I think Im going to try it, probably run the tren a and nnp one week together. Then drop the tren and run the nnp for 7 weeks along with prop.
npp def good stuff
Added in the dbol today. Going to try to split up the doses everyday. Very curious to see how these are, they are something I have always seen since I first started on the boards around 2003 but never tried.
Not beat a dead horse but dude NPP is awesome. Love the admitting you dont have will power to not use the dbol.
I ran 600mg a week and the pumps alone were astounding...
Lean mass is what this compounds will get you....

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