Spring/Summer cycles


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So what kinda set ups you guys got for this warm weather approaching ? Post up your cycles goals and why you pick the coumpounds/stacks you do details etc..I've learned a lot off these boards over the years Iike to read what you guys are doing/using.. ?

Me 500mg test-e week
Eq 450 week
Was tren-e 300mg week dropped that to 100mgs can't handle tren sides..
Oral tbol 50mg day 3x day 20/20/10

I feel good I'm strong no issues. I'm looking at the cut stack blends I used those last year I really liked those..
Start date April 1st

Test E 750mg 1-18
Mast P 300mg 1-6, 13-18
Dbol 25mg 1-4, 15-18
Winny 25mg 1-4, 15-18

Goals are to lean out a bit. Ive gained a little too much fat since ive started playing rugby (Beer and rugby go hand in hand haha) And of course to get stronger. Current maxes Squat- 525 Deadlift- 545 Bench- 375 Bodyweight 217 BF%- 14
Mast prop is something I been reading on a lot. My boy and me last year ran that cutstack from sarc last summer both of us had great results
750 mgs of Test C
800 mgs of Deca/EQ blend
Dbol/Drol blend ed 50 mgs in the a.m. 50 mgs in the p.m.
Weight Gainer protein 2x daily
Fish oil
Liver support
Good Food, a lot of it 🙂 !!!
Winstrol 50mgs 1-4 weeks
Tren A 100mgs 1-?
Test prop 100mgs 1-?
Proviron all the way through

Going to go as long as I can with the Tren/test p until the sides become unbearable. Will be using TNE as well.
Test 750 to 1,250 mg/week. Start at low end and increase until I feel sides are too much to handle but I can usually do 1,000 mg with no issues. I prefer to do Test P but that's a lot of oil to pin so I'll probably mix with Test C to reduce total oil.

NPP 500 mg a week.

Anavar 75 mg ED.

Not sure on length. Depending on when I get tested for TRT but I plan to run the Var for a min of 8-10 weeks, preferably 12 weeks and the Test and NPP for min 12 weeks. I did this same cycle last year and got awesome results. Looking to add a little weight, 5-10 lbs, and get BF under 8%. I mainly want to increase my squat and bench.
I shoot Ed 100mg of each to keep Tren sides low.

Test P 700mg 1-16
Tren a 700mg 1-8 at8-16 replace with Primo 6oomg EW
Mast P 700mg 1-16
Winny 60mg ED 1-6
HGH Hyge 4iu split AM/PWO year round
HCG 500iu EW split M and Th year round
Arimidex .50 E3d
Torres said:
750 mgs of Test C
800 mgs of Deca/EQ blend
Dbol/Drol blend ed 50 mgs in the a.m. 50 mgs in the p.m.
Weight Gainer protein 2x daily
Fish oil
Liver support
Good Food, a lot of it 🙂 !!!
TorresSummer bulk. Love it bro, im basically running the same.
Wallycn said:
Winstrol 50mgs 1-4 weeks
Tren A 100mgs 1-?
Test prop 100mgs 1-?
Proviron all the way through

Going to go as long as I can with the Tren/test p until the sides become unbearable. Will be using TNE as well.
WallycnMy doses are ed, not weekly
mine is

test 125mg
npp 300-400
mast e 600
1-test cyp 400 (might have to adjust)
tbol 75mg a day... might end with epistane or anavar

i rarely run over trt dose of test....let the other compounds do the work and the test just so i'll have normal libido etc....
krustus said:
mine is

test 125mg
npp 300-400
mast e 600
1-test cyp 400 (might have to adjust)
tbol 75mg a day... might end with epistane or anavar

i rarely run over trt dose of test....let the other compounds do the work and the test just so i'll have normal libido etc....
Totally agree with you on the trt dose for cycle. I think Test doses for most people are ran way too high, just resulting in wasted $ really.

That being said, I'll run 125-150mg's/week Test E
125mg's/eod Primo
75mg's Anavar/ed
50mg's winny/ed for 1st 4 weeks.

Might add 1-Test Cyp. Going 16 weeks on the Primo, maybe 20 on the Anavar.
That being said, I'll run 125-150mg's/week Test E
125mg's/eod Primo
75mg's Anavar/ed
50mg's winny/ed for 1st 4 weeks.

Might add 1-Test Cyp. Going 16 weeks on the Primo, maybe 20 on the Anavar.

NICE!... you know 1-test cyp only difference from primo is the 1-methylation... some say it's stronger than primo?
I didn't know that it's said to be stronger than Primo, that's great to hear! I did know they are very similar in molecular structure. Also, I read somewhere (can't remember where) that Mast and Primo both are synergistic with 1-Test Cyp. I believe there might be a couple other compounds that were listed, but I can't remember that either. I'm the same age as T, so my memory is not what it used to be. 😛

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