Started Deca


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Energy still sucks but fighting through it.

Started Deca last night adding into tail end of my current run.

Hoping to bulk like a mofo this run
Energy still sucks but fighting through it.

Started Deca last night adding into tail end of my current run.

Hoping to bulk like a mofo this run
GRIMHey Grimm just curious how much are running a week and for how long? Haven't done deck on a long time.
500-750 a week
unsure on length playing it by feel
what you gonna run with it?
what you gonna run with it?
Not sure, in winter I usually use Test of course with Tren, Primo and Var or Tbol. In summer I use Test, Deca, EQ and Dbol because I work outside and with the heat I slim down and I have a hard time eating but sometimes I will throw in some Tren or Mast. I didn’t use Deca this summer. I’m always switching compounds. It’s backwards but that’s what I’ve been doing.
Right now I’m cruising on Test E 300mg aw its high but it’s a sample bottle I’m trying out.
Iv only ran deca once at 300 and test 500 and gain so much weight super fast it was not healthy lol my body seems to respond better to very low dosages then higher but that’s just me
i usually go very low but lately im trying shock and awe
Deca also very wet, much of it's water so pretty normal for quick weight gain, hardly say unhealthy as long as you got shit in check
Upping to 1 1/2 mils 3x a week
will be 900 test, 900 deca, 900 tren E
I was thinking the same thing. But then again to each his own. Wow that's a hell of a blast!!!
to much? Naw 4 from it...Can always back down a bit...
Be careful. Running 3g’s a few years ago landed my ass in the cardiac unit of the local hospital for 5 days in a fib.
ive ran more its 2.7 total many run 1.5 of 1 compound alone this is slightly less than a gram each
I'm running npp 100 .5 ml eod
Sustanon 250 split .5 ml Sunday and Wednesday
Tren ace 100 .5 ml eod
Tren base .5ml heavy lift days.
10mg sdrol spilt twice a day
This run has me bulking nicely put in 22 lbs in 6 weeks still got six to go

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