Starting a cycle, and I have some questions


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I made this post the other day, but I either didn't post it right or couldn't find it after I posted it due to all the other topics. Here is my issue...

I weigh around 255
Don't know my BMI, but can assume it's not great.

I started hitting the gym hard last October, before then, I had taken a long break due to some personal family issues. I'm wanting to start a cutting cycle, and would like any advice towards which anabolics and cycles to use, including post-cycle. Any and all info is appreciated.
Definitely need more info here...but, I can tell you not to be concerned at all with your BMI. That figure is about as useless as a tit on a mule. Now, finding out your BMR and TDEE, .....that.....would be tremendously helpful
TSizemore said:
Definitely need more info here...but, I can tell you not to be concerned at all with your BMI. That figure is about as useless as a tit on a mule. Now, finding out your BMR and TDEE, .....that.....would be tremendously helpful
Love where you are coming from but I think this may be a little too much lol

Alpha he means how many calories are you eating per day (actual macros would be great) and are you losing or gaining weight with that intake. I also think we are getting off topic. He wanted a cycle layout not a diet or workout program. All aspects are vital but he was looking for some gear advice 😛
I'll be honest, I don't watch every calorie I eat. I've cut out just about all sugar, and I am consistently losing weight. My last cycle was too long ago to remember exactly what it. It definitely wasn't as advanced or exact as what's available today. It might have been horse steroids. I had good results, but I also was in far better shape starting off than I am now. Back then I could run 10 miles and bench 350. I'm getting back to where my strength was, but my cardio isn't as good. I walk/run 10-15 miles a week. Trying to get that higher. I'd like advice on what would be a good beginning cycle for someone that isn't in the best shape, but is trying his ass off.
Good points Morrey. It's just so important to design your cycle based on your caloric input. With that being said, I would definitely go with some short estered compounds like, Test Prop and Npp to start off. (Based on your question and listed goal) since we don't know your BF%, your daily intakes, or the degree of your trading regimine and the extent of your experience, its difficult to get real specific on an exact cycle layout
your diet is going to determine your gains. I would focus on that ahead of the gear, the gear will help you recover and grow but being that you're telling us you are of heavier stature, a solid meal plan should be figured out, then anabolics. We're not trying to talk you out of gear you or anything like that.. We're just stressing the importance of that diet or the gear will be useless.
As the others have already stated brother,your diet is going to be the ultimate determining factor in how many gains or in this case,LOSSES you will attain.Tweaking this once you know your actual BMR will work wonders.Upping your cardio as well will make HUGE strides in the right direction to where you want to go.

But aside from this advice,here's something to help guide you in the correct cycling direction.Im always for doing as much research as possible on something before trying it and always encourage others to do the same.,6212.0.html
Thanks everyone. I'll start getting a actual diet plan. I just haven't really bothered with it at this point because I have been gaining muscle and losing weight by just eating healthier. FIST, in that link you sent, when it goes from 1st stack to second stack etc., are you saying that you do 8 weeks of the first stack then move to the next one, or are you saying those are different options based on your preferences?
AlphaGunne said:
Thanks everyone. I'll start getting a actual diet plan. I just haven't really bothered with it at this point because I have been gaining muscle and losing weight by just eating healthier. FIST, in that link you sent, when it goes from 1st stack to second stack etc., are you saying that you do 8 weeks of the first stack then move to the next one, or are you saying those are different options based on your preferences?
Im sorry,"stack" was a poor choice of wording.It's meant as "CYCLE" with each consecutive cycle.First one of course meaning your "1st" cycle,then with each consecutive cycle after that adding another compound if wanted.Doesnt mean its absolutely needed though.Meaning if you made quality gains with a Test only cycle for your first run with it,theres nothing wrong with running a Test only cycle again for your next run.Ive always followed the logic of....RUN AS LITTLE GEAR AS POSSIBLE FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE WHILE STILL MAKING GAINS & WITH AS LITTLE NEGATIVE SIDES AS POSSIBLE" Why rush into spending more money on gear if you dont need to and put more stress on your body and organs if you don't have to? You know what I mean? You want to live a long and healthy life brother which can absolutely be done WHILE cycling if done right throughout the yrs.
Yeah, that's what I planned on doing. I wasn't gonna do more than a cycle a year, maybe two. I'm not in competitions, so a healthy lifestyle is my goal. If I run more than one a year, is three months a good off-cycle?
AlphaGunne said:
Yeah, that's what I planned on doing. I wasn't gonna do more than a cycle a year, maybe two. I'm not in competitions, so a healthy lifestyle is my goal. If I run more than one a year, is three months a good off-cycle?

Well,that depends on how quickly you return to normal.Your bloods will help you gauge that but even without that you can judge by how you feel.Hows your energy level,how's your strength level,how's your sex drive,how's your mood? All of these will be tell tail signs of knowing if you need more time off or not.

Always be aware of these things and don't go by what someone says a "normal" pct should be.Normal for YOU may be completely different tha whats normal for me or the next guy.So don't feel bad if you feel you need more time off.Don't let your anxiousness get the better of you.Its for the long haul brother.You are doing it not only for today but later in life.
Good advice all around. If it's been a few years since you have cycled then your really starting a new. I would start with test only. Short esthers are more desirable because you can control blood levels much easier. The trade off is, of course, more pins. Test P is always a good start. Go with 50mgs per day and see how you respond. Make your adjutments till you find your sweet spot. As will need to dial in your diet and it will be dictated by your goal. Concentrate on your macros more than your calories.
Make sure you learn about ai's and pct. I agree with test only but disagree with using prop. Test e will do just fine. Since your at a higher bf%, test might aromatize more so you want to run an ai like Arimidex or Aromasin. Get bloodwork done before cycle and again 4-6 weeks in to check levels and all that. Might have to adjust your ai dosage. Start doing some research for yourself too. It's best if you have the knowledge on what your doing instead of people walking you through it.
use what you got but i knoow if you're not a regular user shooting Prop every day will get to you, took me a while to tolerate poking the same spot even though its sore. i can remember days I wanted to give up, legs are sore push the needle in and pull it out , try again every place is sore.. id get long esters Like Test C or Test E and do twice a week no pain easy days

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